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Its so dark. So dark it seems bright. I don't know how long ago Harry left me here, but it feels like its been a million years since I've seen daylight. When its probably only been a couple of hours. Or days, I don't know. My limbs are starting to feel numb they are that cold. The silence deafens me, I haven't heard a single sound since I saw Louis , Liam and Harry through a glass window. I wonder if they are still there. My body feels itchy and irritated. There must be so many bugs around me. I lay down on the hard floor. The small pieces of gravel sticking into my head. I pull myself into the fetus position to try and keep myself warm enough I don't go into shock. I bet if there was light in here i would be able to see my breath when i breathe.

Im not sure how long I've been laying on the ground until I hear a loud scraping noise come from by the door. I sit up as fast as i can, I see a little light seeping in under the door for a second before it slams shut, the noise ripples of the walls and straight through my eardrums. I move over towards the door on my hands and knees, I can see a little light over near the door.

As i get closer i realise that there is a black candle on a tray with a plate of food and a glass of water. I look at it in disgust and take the candle from it. I stand up with the limited light in my hand. I slowly start to walk around the room, the closer i get to things the easier it is to see . I walk over to a wall opposite the door. I examine the little tally marks that align it. Line after line after line after line . Until it just stops. What happened to the person? Was they killed? Did they get set free? Was they in the same situation as me? I graze my finger along the indents on the wall , questions running through my mind.

My mind starts to drift away to other things in my life that have been pushed away for the last couple of weeks. My poor mother is the first thing i think about, i wonder if she is still looking for me. I wonder if she was even at home when harry was there. I wonder if shes okay. I just want to speak to her so she knows that I'm alive and okay. Well I'm not that okay I'm stood in a pitch-black room, A room that's driving me insane.

"Mya." A mans voice comes from behind me. I spin around and look into the darkness. A dark figure stands near the door.

"Wh-who are you?" I question, gulping.

"Mya. Your mother has slaved away at this food for you. You better get over here and eat it." I realise its my father's voice.

"Dad?" I ask quietly.

"Its father to you! You better move your sorry ass over here or you will be dead in the next tens seconds." He begins to shout at me.

"Bu-But your dead. This is my imagination." I squeeze my eyes shut. The room goes silent again . I slowly open them back up. I scream and step back when i see his brown eyes meters away from mine. I hit my head off the wall and fall to the ground. I look up to see him hovered over me.

"See now you have ignored me, You're going to wish you have never left that party." His voice is deep and threatening. I close my eyes and protect my head with my hands. I have no idea where the candle has gone. I quiver waiting for the first hit to come. But it never does. I move my hand from my head and look at the spot my father was standing at, But he is gone. Vanished in seconds, I exhale and begin to cry in fear. This room is already driving me crazy.


The noises. The talking. I cant sleep. They won't stop, My mind won't slow down. Ive been sat in the corner for so long, rocking to myself trying to control the thoughts going through my head. I cant cope, I need out. I grip my hair and pull it, I feel so tired but my mind is so erratic.

The sound of the latch under the door opens. The light burns my eyes. I get up as fast as i can and run over to the door. The latch closes just as quick as it opened. I bang my tired fists on the door.

"Please let me out!" i scream. Hoping that anyone will help me. "Please! I need help! Let me out." I hit the palms of my hands off the door. I kick, Hit and try anything to get someones attention. But nobody comes for me. I finally give up, I'm stuck in here. Forever. I know Harry won't come back for me. Hes better off if i just stay in here forever. The plate of food doesn't have a light on it this time. I kick the plate across the room in frustration. The frustration quickly turns into sadness as i begin to sob to myself. I sit on the ground as my whole body starts to hyperventilate as a panic attack comes from behind the shadows of my mind. I close my eyes and lean back. I hit my head off the ground again as my whole body shuts down.


"I will see you later," I say to my father over the phone before i unlock the door to the house. I walk inside and kick off my shoes and place my bag onto the floor I go straight upstairs in search of my mother. Normally if she is downstairs she will call out to me. But i don't hear anything, My socks slide a little as i walk down the hallway. I knock on her bedroom door before opening it. Nobody is inside. i raise an eyebrow before heading over to the bathroom. I knock on the door and wait for a second. She should be here, her car is in the drive and her shoes are in the hall. I open the door and peek my head in. My eyes look around the room before i see her.

My mother lays slouched on the floor. A bottle of her prescription pill sit next to her. Empty. I scream and go in. "No. No . No. No. Mom? Mom?" I shake her shoulders lightly. Her body is limp and slightly cold. I pull my phone out of my pocket and ring my father. The line rings, rings and rings. I get sent to his voicemail.

'hey. ted here, sorry i couldn't get to your call.'

How couldn't he answer? I was literally just speaking to him.

'Dad! Mom has taken loads of pills! You need to get home!' i cry into his voicemail before ending it with my shaky fingers. I quickly dial 911.

"No. Mom please stay with me. Don't go just yet, Ben can wait. I need you." I cry while cupping her cold cheek with my warm sweaty hand.


SUPRISE! hehe i wanted to do a triple update. Sorry its up a little late though <3

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