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A hallway. with a door at the end with a single light illuming it. I walk towards it , stopping before i opening it. Another corridor welcomes me, but apart from its the one from my house. I step inside and i could immediately hear crying , pleads coming from my room. I know exactly where i am. Its the day before i found out my brother had committed. I don't want to go towards the sound but for some reason i cant help but head towards it. I stand in front of my closed bedroom door before it swings open and my father comes out. His pupils enlarged and his face red with anger. I could practically see his veins popping out of his neck. While leaving my room he shouts:

"And fucking stay in there you little bitch!" His voice still scares me to this day, I run inside and drop down by my own body, trying to pick myself up. But my hands just go straight through . I cant help but begin to sob along , I look down at myself huddled in a ball and shaking with fear , tears falling from my eyes uncontrollably. 

I stand to my feet and rush out of my room and down the hall to where my mother and fathers room is, the door wide open. Immediately i could see my mother sat on the edge of the bed, her face in her hands, i knew she hated what my father did , hut she never put a stop to it. "Mom please! Please. Please." I begin to sob at her feet, hoping that she would hear me. But she never did.


I wake up to myself sobbing. Immediately, i sit up and wipe my eyes and stop crying. Before i head out and go to the bathroom. While brushing my teeth i realise that the house is pin drop silent, once i finished i head back out and head downstairs. On the table in the kitchen a note is on the side. 



I huff before going to grab the cleaning supplies out of the cabinet.

After doing all my chores it was 4:30PM and i was practically ravenous with not stopping all day so i decide to make another sandwich because i couldn't be bothered to make anything else. I grab the ingredients out of the refrigerator and begin to prep my food, while making it i could hear the door open, my heart instantly drops because yesterday i was already in bed by time he got back. Not long after the door closed the man strolls into the kitchen. I can see him in my peripheral stood in the door way, I look up at him. 

"What are you doing?" He questions, just as i cut the food in half.

"I made a sandwich, im really hungry. ive had nothing to eat." I reply back. The man walks over and stands next to me with his hip on the counter. 

"No i mean, what are you doing in the same clothes from 3 days ago? Are you seriously that unhygienic?" He questions with a slight smirk on his face, I immediately feel my cheeks burn up in embarrassment, but i don't have anything else to wear. He literally took me from a store in town. 

"I- I- Well i don't really have any other choice do i?" I reply before taking a quick bite out of my tea.

"Well, did you seriously think i wouldn't have any other clothes for you?" He tells me with amusement on his face. Even when he seems like he's in a goofy mood he still manages to make me scared. I finish the rest of my food in silence, before washing up my dish and heading straight upstairs to go see where my clothes are. 

Once in my room, i head over to the two large white doors to the left of me. I swing them open , my jaw drops open when i see all my clothes from my wardrobe from my house . Even my ray bands are sat in here, the ones that i wore from when he took me from the store. I stand in shock while i stare at all my shoes from my house. 

he took all my things from my house. He took them. 

I come back out of my room and head straight back down the stairs and back into the kitchen, the man is stood making something over the stove with his back to me.

"Did you buy replicas of my clothes from my home?" I question. He chuckles

"No." He replies back to me with his back to me. My anger instantly starts to rise but my sadness soon takes over. 

"So . So your telling me you just took all my clothes?" I question again, this time he turns around with a plate in his hand. 

"Yeah, your welcome." He says sarcastically. 

"I cant believe this, you know full well if you took my clothes its going to look like I've run away." I spit back at him with disgust. The man places his food down while shaking his head. 

"No. It was just easier." He replies while rubbing his hands together to get rid of the crumbs on his hands.

"That's such a lie! You , you are a horrible person. First you take me and then you make it look like its my fault. I will tell you what you are massive prick!" I couldn't help but raise my voice at the man. After my short rant the man stands up and comes closer to me. 

"Id watch your tone princess , you dont know what im capable of." He tells me with a monotone expression on his face. Almost like a false threat. 

"Or what? if you kill me i will be useless." I cross my arms over my stomach. Suddenly he starts to rush over to me , In a panic i run towards the stairs , i could hear his steps chasing behind me over my thumping hear beat. I rush up the marble steps as fast as i can before running over to my room and slamming the door behind me, locking the door in the process. His steps stop in front of my door.

"Dont . Fucking try me, i will end your life in a click of my fingers darling." his voice muffles through the door. I ignore his threats and shut off the lights. My heart still going crazy in fear and adrenaline.

Things are getting a little scary. Well, for Mya anyway. 

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