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Louis and Mya arrive at the old abandoned warehouse. Louis gets Mya out of the car and places handcuffs on her.

"Really? You seriously think I'm going to run?" Mya questions as Louis attaches them to her.

"Not my rules." Louis replies before guiding her towards a large steel door. Once they get there he knocks 3 times. A latch slides open and a pair of black shades stick through the gap.

"Initation 28" Louis says quietly. The latch closes before the door opens up. Louis and Mya go inside. Louis takes mya down a long hall before going into a dark room. You can only see a steel chair in the middle because of the light leaking into the room.


Louis brings me into the dark and cold room before sitting me down on a chair. Once I'm sat down he turns around and walks out without sharing another word with me. I sit in confusion and fear about what is going to happen next. I look around in the pitch black trying to see anything as my eyes adjust. Suddenly, a light flickers in front of me.

Harry, Liam and Louis all watch me. Like I'm some sort of form of entertainment.

"Look who we finally caught." Harrys voice is magnified through a speaker. "The first rule of running away. Speak to people. But never use phones." He continues, A cigarette sits in between his fingers. He takes a drag before letting it sit in front of him.

"Why am I here?" I question. All three of them chuckle a little before eventually, the laughter dies down.

"You did something wrong. So you are been punished. This is warning one. You get three warnings then I kill someone you love." Harry makes his instructions blunt. "You are going to spend two days in here. To reflect on what you have done. Liam will come and get you so we can start planning for the next plans for the trades. So you better get your signing voice, ready princess." Harry has a smug look on his face before taking a drag of his cig before the lights shut out again and I can no longer see them anymore. Panic floods through me as I realise I'm going to be chained to this seat for two days in the dark and cold.

"No harry. Please." I begin to cry. I don't want to be here. i will see things I don't want to see. "Please Harry!" I start to fidget in my seat, crying out for him. I move my hands and my wrists break free. I immediately get up and rush over to the door that Louis left me through. Pounding my fists on the door and I ball my eyes out.

"Please! Harry! Don't leave me here!" I cry out for harry so desperately. "Liam! Louis!" I plead for anyone to come get me. But with no surprise, I get zero response. I sob to myself and fall to the ground. I squeeze my eyes closed. Too scared to open them to see my father stood in the corner. That is why I hate the dark because her likes to appear when its dark.


Sorry for the short chapter. but this is so I can push the plot along without missing anything <3

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