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Falling for your fools gold

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Falling for your fools gold

And i knew that you turned it on for everyone you met

But i don't regret

Falling for your fools gold...


Let's do this shit mother fuckers

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Let's do this shit mother fuckers...


So much shit is weighing on me right now. I hate it, but it's what I wanted. Nothing I can do apart from smile and just 'pretend' that I have no clue about any of it. I do feel for Harry so much, I wish I could just take the dark cloud away from above his head and replace it with sunshine and love. I think we could try this again, I just hope he would be more open with me. Since i woke up he hasn't left my side since, apart from when I went to the bathroom. But, even then he waited by the door for me to come out. I have been feeling really on edge, and that I need to be looking for someone while we are walking about. Maybe I've had a tracker on me this whole time. What if Harry was lying to me and he has told Ben and then I will just randomly get taken to see my dead brother. I haven't really thought about that, I don't want to. I don't like the thought that the one person that actually loved me for who I was faked his death to help my abusive father.

"Mya?" Niall pulls me out of deep thought, I look up at him from my hands. I've been shitting myself all day about this. Louis and Liam are to the right of me while Harry drives. My eyes bounce around the car at them to see their pupils looking right back at me. Was I in deep thought that much?

I quickly nod. "Yeah, sorry I went into deep thought." I chuckle to cover up my tracks. Niall looks at me confused with a side-eye.

"Okay anyway, We need your help this time. Unlike last time when you just spoke to that little wank stain at the feast." Niall scoffs obviously at the thought of Massimo, I still don't know what he did so bad for them to hate him. Apart, from cheat on Alyia and that. But that's her not me, she wasn't true to me so why should I be true to her? I still can't believe that she lied to me the whole time we were friends. But, Im naive, young and mentally ill. Of course, I will trust anyone that shows me any affection, even if it's toxic as fuck.

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