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The next day

Harry left to go grab some groceries about an hour ago and I've been cleaning a couple of things here and there to pass the time by, I've been needing to wash some of my clothes since harry only cleans his own. I grab the laundry basket and go downstairs to go to the washing machine when I hear a knock come from the door. I freeze in the middle of the living room not knowing what to do. It could be anyone, I look around the room not really knowing what to do. I place the basket down carefully. I walk towards the door as quietly as I can when another harsher and louder knock. I jump and grab my chest, my heart pounding.

"Mya? It's Niall." I hear the familiar voice and it sounds like music to my ears. I sigh and go over to the door. I open it, Niall stands in the hallway in grey joggers and a plain black top his hair is fluffy and is a little tamed.

"Is everything alright Niall?" I ask while moving out of the way so he can come into the house.

He shakes his hand "Oh there's no need. I need you to come round to mine." He says. Im literally in my pyjamas. Niall looks me up and down.

"what about Harry? He will think I'm gone." I state the obvious, crossing my arms over my stomach.

"Ive already spoke to him. I literally just need you to help me with finishing the music. We have to send in all of the music by midnight." He says. I widen my eyes a little.

"Im sorry did you just say midnight tonight?" I question. Not believing him.

"Yeah. So come on. " Niall speeds off back down the hall. I grab my ray bands and house keys from the little cabinet next to the door. I see Niall waiting for me at the end of the hall, I lock the door and jog down the hall to Niall's apartment. I follow him inside, the scent of air freshener hits me. The walls are all white and his furniture is black. Apart from three cushions on the couch, they are green, yellow and orange. His guitar and a mic sit on the coffee table in front of his couch. We go and sit down together.

"Have you got any ideas then for the rest of the music ?" Niall questions. I nod


After writing and recording most of the songs to put on the album I sit back and relax my shoulders a little while Niall touches up a couple of things. "So are the rest of the boys going to record tonight?" I ask Niall while picking at my cuticles. He looks at me over his shoulder.

"Yeah. We also have a shoot tomorrow for the album cover." why does he keep throwing new and important information at me.

"Bloody hell Niall why has nobody told me?" I ask sitting up more.

"Because I'm the only bloody person that knows peach, that's what its like working for the Mafia. You never know when things are happening until the last minute." Niall fiddles with something on the table.

"Oh." I look around the room. It seems so empty in here. Like he has just moved in. I look at the large flatscreen tv in front of me.

"Why is your house so empty?" My eyes are still glued to the black screen, to say how happy and bright Niall is his house is so dim and echoey. It's like if harry was a house it would be this one. dark and empty.

"Well. I haven't been here long. My main house is up in Washington, I got moved to Cali a couple of years ago, I got set up with the rest of the boys to help the big boss." He stops what he is doing and glances around the room. "and also It is a little empty because I'm temporary, I don't get comfortable in many places. I don't want to get attached." Niall stares at the side of my face. I draw my eyes away from the black screen his big bright blue eyes look right through into my soul.

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