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Thats all i see when i open my eyes, i could tell i was blindfolded because there is only pressure on that part of my face. I try and move my hands and feet but i soon realise that they are tied up. Panic starts to flood through me as reality starts to set in. Ive been kidnapped and now we are going somewhere. My breathing begins to become more and more panicked and rushed , my palms becoming sweaty along with dizziness setting in. Im having a panic attack. 

"Shut the fuck up." A deep and raspy voice makes me flinch , i immediately turn my head in the direction that it came from. 

"Why are u doing this?" I try and speak up as best as i can while my panic takes over my whole body. 

"I said shut the fuck up." He barks back at me.

"Please just take my blindfold off. Im having a panic attack- I- It will help me- Relax." I plead back as my speech becomes more and more slurred. In one quick motion, the blindfold is ragged from my eyes , the light blinding me in the process. My Panic doesn't stop but i am able to control my breathing much more better. Once my eyes adjust to the brightness i snap my head and look at the driver.

A broad brown curly haired man sat in the seat next to me, sunglasses sitting on his face and his hair pushed back slightly with something like a headband. His arms are riddled with tattoos, a black t-shirt sits on him with some skinny blue jeans. While im trying to take in my surroundings he snaps his head and looks at me.

"You better fucking keep your eyes ahead." He snaps at me in a deep voice, Immediately making my eyes start welling with tears. "Oh shut up, Dont start again." He white knuckles the steering wheel. I can tell im really annoying him but i cant help but cry, Im having a panic attack that im trying so hard to control and I've just been kidnapped. I think i deserve some slack, i haven't even screamed or tried to escape. 

"You have just kidnapped me what do you expect?" I mutter under my tears. I could see the veins in his neck becoming more prominent as he became madder and madder. 

"Don't you dare back chat me!I will slit your fucking throat you little bitch!" His voice booms around the car making me jump. My heart begins to thump out of my chest in fear and its a horrible pain. 

"Im not. Your shouting at me for crying, when your lucky i haven't tried to escape." I begin to talk back to him, anger starting to build up. He quickly pulls the car over onto the side of the road, my anger quickly dissolving into fear of what is about to happen. The man grabs me by my jaw and pulls me closer to his face.

"You make one sound, then i will put a bullet through your little skull. Got it?" He spits at me while tapping my temple with his free hand before pushing my jaw back and speeding back onto the deserted road. 

I was in so much shock and fear of what could happen if i did anything wrong and he could kill me right then and there

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I was in so much shock and fear of what could happen if i did anything wrong and he could kill me right then and there. Finally i obey his commands and turn to look out of the window. We must be far away from town because i dont recognise where we are. But i couldn't see it too clear because of how fast we was going, but even if i tried to escape , where would i go? 

I place my head onto the window and slowly close my eyes. 

OOh i wonder what will happen next ;) 

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