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I sit and watch the boys run around getting ready before people start to arrive. It was funny at first seeing Louis' little legs rushing around, but after a while it becomes boring so I play on random games on my phone to pass the time by. After twenty minutes of playing the games the boys come and gather around the table in a huddled position. Harry sits on the edge of the couch. Louis, Liam and Harry all pick up a gun each before sharing out the stray bullets on the table. i watch them all discuss in their own little world.

"Ok. If there is any sort of suspicion. You know the drill." Liam tells them all. What drill? Why don't I know this drill? Why am I never included in things? Im literally the reason why they are all not getting their faces busted.

"I don't know the drill." I announce , sitting up and putting my phone in my back pocket.

"You don't need to know the drill. You don't know what suspicious looks like." Liam stays back to explain as the rest of the boys head into the kitchen to do god knows what. "So you just sit there and look pretty." He adds with a fake smile before tagging along with the rest of them. I huff and throw myself back onto the couch.

Not long after, People start to flood through the door. Immediately making my skin crawl and get cold sweats. I hate being around numerous people. Especially if they are strangers. Men come and sit around me, they chat loudly and sniff the cocaine off the table. I watch with a disgusted expression on my face.

"You want some pretty?" A man with little hair holds out a rolled-up hundred dollar bill towards me. I shake my head

"No thanks." I slide my phone from out of my pocket.

"Oh come on. Dont be silly, whats a party without some drugs , eh?" The man trys to encourage me, showing the note into my face. The other men around me cheer to try and get me to do it.

"No honestly its not my type of thing." I move away from the man slightly. He shakes his head and grabs the gold card from the table and moves the drug into a thick long line.

"Women, such fucking pussys." I hear him say under his breath. I feel my blood begin to boil. Who does this self absorbed guy think he is ?

"No actually. Your the pussy, trying to force something on someone. So if you don't mind i will excuse myself from here." I snap at him before standing up from my spot and stepping over their massive feet. I hear them snigger from behind me, I chose to ignore it and go find one of the boys so i can get my cider and go be by myself.

I see Niall over by the door talking to some random girls. I walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder. He looks at me and stumbles a little. Is he already that wasted?

"Oh here she is. The entitled little princess." His speech is a little slurred. The girls look at each other before looking at me.

"Niall do you know where my cider is?" I question. He looks at me confused, swaying side to side a little.

"No. But you Mya are the most prettiest person i have ever seen. But you don't like me, so here's a joke for you-" Niall rambles on.

"Niall. I do like you, But i want to know where my cider is." I tell him, I probably look so awkward stood here. Niall places his finger in front of my face.

He places it on my lips "Shush shush now mya. Okay.. What did the ocean say to the other ocean?" A large grin pops up onto his face.

I step back a little so i can speak.

"I don't know. What did they say Niall?" I give up and go along. I glance at the two girls stood next to me. Amusement clear on their face. Niall finally drops his hand back down by his side.

"Nothing! They just waved!" He starts to laugh hysterically. I chuckle at the fact of how bad it was, but i quickly stop when Niall all of a sudden throws up all over one of the girls.

"Oh no." I say with my hand over my mouth before quickly rushing away. I do not want to deal with that. I search for the rest of the boys but i quickly give up. I head upstairs and into my room. Im surprised it isn't packed with people. In fact, i can tell nobody has been in here because my bed is still made. I sit on the edge of my bed and close my eyes. I feel so overwhelmed at things like this.

I focus on my breathing and i count to ten to try and keep myself from spiralling into a panic attack. When i get to five my door swings open. Making me jump. I instantly think its that same man from earlier, coming to do more than just force me to take drugs. The panic comes to an end when i realise that its Liam.

"Oh sorry wrong room." He stumbles a little.

"Its fine." I smile, He turns to head back in the direction that he came in. He stops in his tracks and turns his head to look at me.

"Oh harry is looking for you." Liam simply says before walking out and closing the door behind him. I sit in confusion for a minute. why would harry be looking for me. He literally hasn't bothered with me all night. But now he is looking for me? i huff and get up from my bed and head into the hallway. people stand by the walls, smoking, drinking, chatting and making out.I push past them all and head down into the most crowded area. i spot Niall straight away, he's passed out on the couch. I do feel bad for him. I squeeze through people looking for harry. I manage to get all the way up to the entrance of the kitchen. Louis stands by the door, as i try and get past him he stops me by putting his arm out, blocking me from getting in.

"Woah. I don't think so." he snaps at me.

"Is harry in there?" I ignore him.

"yeah. Why?" He questions. His arm still blocking my walkway.

"Liam told me he was looking for me." I become impatient with him

"You don't want to go in there." Louis sees the irritation on my face. What is he doing for me to not be able to go in? I want to go in even more now.

"I don't care move." I snap. He shakes his head.

"No he's busy." he stays put.

"Louis! I don't fucking care! Move out of my way." I shout in his face. He leans down to me.

"Here you little bitch don't raise your fucking voice at me. if you really wanna see what he is doing, go ahead. Go in." he moves his arm out of the way, I barge past him quickly before entering the even more crowded room. Loud music vibrating through the floor. I move past more people. Until i see Harry, My heart falls to the floor and i want to throw up everywhere. I watch as Harry makes out with the other girl that I saw Niall talking to earlier. I watch as his hands move on her body. Just like they did on mine, I feel my eyes starting to tear up. I feel like everyone is moving around them and they are just stuck in slow motion. Unless its just my eyes?

I can't watch any longer, I push through people and i get to the door, Louis has disappeared from the spot he was at only minutes ago. I can't stay in this house any longer, I feel so sick to my stomach. I manage to squeeze my way through everyone. I swing the door open and run down the hall as fast as i possibly can. I push open the steel door and into the small carpark. I stop and look around. I could just run and never look back. I should, but i have no idea where i am. I only know my way to the store because its fresh in my mind. I start to run again down the long gravel path. The sound of the music becomes fainter with every stomp of my foot hitting the ground, My heart thumps in my ears as i let a tear slip from my eye. I come to the end of the gravel path a long road stands to the right and left of me. I look in both directions before turning right, I start to run again the area is dark and hidden I hear my phone fall out of my pocket but i don't care enough to stop to pick it up. Its more like a back road than a main busy road where cars go past at all times of the day. After running for what feels like forever i stop and catch my breath, I see a small but hidden patch of grass near a forest. I walk over to it and sit down. Why does this always happen to me? I pull my knees to my chest and begin to sob to myself.

I guess Harry isn't good at keeping promises...


Aw poor Mya.

Vote and comment plsss <3

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