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***Me just sipping the tea imma boutta spill

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Me just sipping the tea imma boutta spill. But thats not even the tip of the iceburg ;)


I woke up feeling a little tired with a little headache but apart from that i felt fine. I cant remember much from last night. I can only remember the man with the green eyes and that I've seen his face somewhere before, but i cant remember his name. I stretch and get of bed and go and freshen myself up a little. Once i have done that i head downstairs to find my mother watching friends on the tv, laughing on cue when the show is funny. I make myself present :

"Hello." I grab my mothers attention, she turns her head at me and smiles back.

"Hey my love, theres some mail in the kitchen for you." She smiles at me before looking back at the tv. I nod and go into the kitchen. On the countertop lays one letter, in a white little envelope. with my name in smudged but neat handwriting:


I stare at the white piece of paper in my hands , thinking of who could of sent me it. I flip it over quickly and open it with hesitation with my anxiousness building up. I pull out another white piece of paper folded into three, I unravel the paper to see one sentence in green writing:

'Harry Styles is the answer to all of your questions.'

I flip the paper to see if there is anything on the back but nothing was there. I flip it back around and read the sentence again. Harry styles? Who is he and why is he the answer to all of my questions? I stand in the kitchen staring at the a4 sheet with complete confusion. I pace out of the kitchen and head upstairs completely unacknowledging my mother asking me what the letter was about. I get to my room and close the door with my back because my eyes and hands were preoccupied with the note that was shaking in between my slender fingers. I place it onto my unmade bed and rush over to the boxes full of my father's letters and pictures, i rip open the top of the box and grab a handful of letters. I place them onto the desk where his autopsy was hidden , i go over to my bed and grab my laptop from my nightstand and the letter that will apparently answer all my questions. Once im sat at my desk i start tearing open the letters and skimming my eyes over every single one until i see the name 'harry' or 'harry styles'. Like i had expected each and every single one had his name in it:

' Harry will be there to watch over you and to make sure nobody steps out of line.'

'Harry is the main person'

'Harry styles is the person in charge for this mission'

'Styles is the one you answer to.' 

I open my laptop and start searching up the name harry styles. I gasp immediately from my discovery. At least 500 reports and documents about him were posted by the police.  and other people.

I sit and stare at the screen, my jaw hanging open in pure shock

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I sit and stare at the screen, my jaw hanging open in pure shock. Harry styles is part of the mafia. Then why does my father know who he is? I grab the first letter from the first box and read it again:

to whom ever this may concern,

As i now represent as the towns new mayor , i can confirm that the planning for the two weeks can now go ahead. All of these services must be carried out in public to avoid confusion. If this is not done by my rules there will be consequences. Nico our boss is watching our moves. Dont mess this up.


My father was associated with the mafia. He cant be. I sit with my eyes wide in shock before i get my phone and call Alyia. 

'Hello?' she finally answers after 6 rings.

'Hi. I. I just found out something'

'What? Is everything alright?'

'No everything is not alright.' 

The line goes silent.

'Tell me then'

'I think my father was in the mafia .. or some sort of gang.'

Suddenly Alyia bursts out laughing down the phone. She thinks im joking.

'Ha. Ha very funny Mya , your father wasnt part of the mafia. Tell me whats actually wrong,'

'Im not lying i have the evidence right here.' I reply back in a monotone voice

'I will come see for myself then' She replies back still chuckling down the phone before she cuts the line dead, leaving me sat with piles of evidence that my father was really in the mafia. Is this why he was killed? Why would he want to be associated with the Mafia? And does my mother know about this?

Pls vote! and comment much love besties <3 

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