Chapter 5

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I shot up from sleeping and looked at the clock. It was eight o'clock. I had to be at the studios in an hour!

"Oh, crap!"

I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. Aunt Rue was coming down the hall after me.

"Good morning," she said. "Are you okay? Why are you running around?"

"Aunt Rue, I have to be at the studios in an hour! I forgot to set my alarm!" I grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down.

"Oh boy! Um, go get ready. We'll grab breakfast on the way there. What is it again?"

"New Forty-Two studios!" I shouted as I ran down the hall.

"Oh, great, that's only twenty minutes away if we walk!"


I pulled the covers on my bed up sloppily and brushed my teeth. I ran to the dresser, grabbed my hairbrush, and pulled my hair into a bun.

I changed from my pajamas and into a leotard with a tank top and shorts. I put on a little bit of concealer to cover dark circles. Thankfully my acne hadn't flared up in a while.

I looked in the mirror and I looked presentable enough.

"Indi, are you ready?"

"Yeah! I'm coming!" I ran out of my room.

Aunt Rue looked at me. "Where's your bag?"

"Shoot! Go ahead, I'm coming!" I ran to my room and grabbed my duffle, making sure my tap shoes were in it, along with a pencil and highlighter, and cough drops for my throat. I already had my full water bottle in hand.

I made sure the door was locked and Aunt Rue and I made our way out of the apartment complex. We hastily grabbed breakfast and we ate as we walked.

Before we knew it, we stood in front of the studios. "Thank you! See you later!"

"Call me when you need me!"

I ran into the foyer, bumping into someone. "Oof!"

"Oh, my gosh, I'm sorry!" I looked up seeing Sky. "Sky! Hello!"

He laughed. "Hi, Indi. You're fine, I wasn't looking where I was going. I'll take you to where we have to be."

I sighed, relieved. "Thanks. I overslept this morning; I forgot to set my alarm."

"Oh, man! That sucks. Well, at least you got here."

"In the nick of time," I said.

Sky led me through two doors and we came into the studio. A table was set up with chairs all around then another space was clear.

"Hey, Indi!" Ben and Josh exclaimed. I waved to them and smiled. Sky led me to a clipboard where we had to sign in every time we came into the studios and to the theatres we were going to be working in. No exceptions.

Everyone was gathered around, talking with others, and meeting other people. I greeted Ben and Josh and everyone was called to silence.

"Hello and good morning, everyone!"

I couldn't believe I was staring at the Jeff Calhoun.

"I am Jeff Calhoun as you may know," he said. "I am your director for Newsies! I am very glad to be working with you all! Now, one by one, I am going to ask you all to come forward and state who you are and something about yourself. We'll start with our ensemble. Ladies first, why don't we? That means, you." He pointed to me.

I stepped forward in front of everyone. "Hello. I'm India Logans. I am from Virginia, I am sixteen, and this is my first ever show."

I stepped back and let the next girl go. It was one after the other, and I was almost having a hard time keeping up with all of the names.

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now