Chapter 6

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The next morning my alarm woke me up with two hours to spare. I walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast and Aunt Rue was up already.

"Good morning. So, how was last night?"

"It was...I don't know how to put it. It was just a dream come true."

She smiled. "I'm sure it was. Now, I want your complete candor on this, understand?"

"Yeah, sure."

She put her chin in her palms like she was still my age. "Are there any cute guys?"

I nearly spewed the coffee out of my mouth. "Aunt Rue, I'm shocked." I laughed.

"No, no, no, you said you'd give me your complete candor," she laughed.

"Fine! Yes, yes there are." I giggled.

"I knew it! Who is he and what's his name?"

"There's not anyone. Really. But, I sort of have an onscreen--uh, onstage boyfriend..."

"What?" She sat in front of me. "Who is he? Is he one of the cute ones?"

"I guess so, yeah. His name is Ben. He's really nice as everyone else and we first met at the first audition we had,"

'Well, that's great. I'm sure all of those boys are madly in love with you by now," she smiled.

I threw my head back, laughing. "I don't know about that, Aunt Rue. But, you can tell yourself that if you'd like." I looked at the clock on the wall and it told me twenty minutes had passed. I needed to start getting ready.

"I'm going to get ready!" I ran to my room, and grabbed my clothes, jumping in the shower. The hot water would help my muscles with stretching later. I got out and got dressed, finishing all I had to do. This time I was fully ready to go thirty minutes before we needed to leave. I wanted to get there early, but I didn't know if anyone else was there.

I decided to text in a group message that Ben, Josh, Sky, and myself had created when we first exchanged numbers.

Indi: Hey, fellas, good morning! Are any of you at the studio by chance? I want to come early, but I don't know if anyone else is there.

I waited a minute for a reply then my phone chimed.

Sky (the reason the sun shines): I'm OTW now.

Indi: Okay, thanks, Sky!

Benny-boo: Morning guys! I'm already at the studios, waiting on you all.

Joshy: Me too!

Indi: See you guys soon, then!

I put my phone away and asked Aunt Rue if we could leave, to which she agreed. I grabbed my bag, which had my script newly added to it. I had started to look over it last night before bed, but I didn't get too far. We made it to the studio with ten minutes to spare.

I signed in and the boys greeted me, along with a few others. I got right to stretching alongside the guys, hoping my muscles were still extra flexible due to the hot water from my shower.

"So, I learned that I'm going to be understudying Crutchie yesterday. I forgot to tell all of you." Ben said.

"Wow, that's great!" I said.

"Nice, man!"


"Yeah. Zach's been nice so I hope if I go on for him, I'll do it well,"

"Yeah, I feel the same way with Stephanie," I said.

Soon, we were all called to order, starting practice. Some of the cast members were interviewed by multiple reporters from different companies. Afterward, we went over Carrying The Banner once and we had it mostly down from practicing it so much from yesterday.

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now