Chapter 31

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Weeks later, I called Ben up on the video chat app. 

He picked up nearly two seconds later, smiling widely. 

"Hey, beautiful!" 

I smiled. "Hey, Benny! How are you? How was the first rehearsal for Tuck??" 

He brushed his hand through his hair. "It went great. Of course, it didn't go too smoothly, but that's what rehearsals are for."

"Exactly. How's the cast? Are they nice? Oh my gosh, what's Andrew Keenan Bolger like??" 

He chuckled. "He along with everyone else are extremely nice. Indi, this is such a dream come true," 

"I'm so glad you're happy! And I absolutely cannot believe that you met the OG Crutchie!" I squealed. 

He laughed. "Calm down, beautiful. Don't stroke out. I am happy, but I still really miss you." 

I smiled. "I miss you too, baby. Hopefully, I'll get to see you soon enough."

 I glanced at the secret that lay in the newly arrived envelope on the nightstand. Tickets to the first preview of Tuck.  


I took my seat in the theater, waiting for the show to start. I pulled my phone out and snapped a picture of the playbill, posting it on my social. I would post more pictures later. With it being so close to showtime, hopefully, Ben wouldn't have his phone and see my post, spoiling my surprise. We had talked so much since he had left and now with his absence spanning three months, I was elated to have the chance to see my boy tonight. 

 The lights dimmed, the overture began, and the curtain rose. Pride welled in my chest (and a few tears welled as well) as I watched Ben in the ensemble, doing what he loved.

The show ended, and it was wonderful. It was by far my favorite version of the story, but I thought it with bias.

I ventured backstage thanks to the connections I had gained from Mr. C and waited for Ben to come out of his dressing room. Five minutes passed. Ten minutes. I started getting nervous. Was he not in there? 

Finally, the door opened and Ben yelled as he saw me. 

I started laughing as he tried to compose himself.

"Indi! I'm so happy you're here! My gosh, you scared the crap out of me!"

I laughed as I crossed to him, embracing him. He kissed my head and hugged me back.

"I didn't even think you'd come!"

I frowned. "Babe, if you think I'd miss my boyfriend's first performance in his new show, you're dead wrong."

He grinned. "I love you, you know that?"

"You do?" I acted shocked.

"Mhm," he smirked.

"Well, geez, I didn't know that at all,"

"Should I tell you again that way you'll remember or do I need to give an example?" He leaned in. 

"Maybe an example," I smirked.

His lips landed on mine and I kissed him back. It was the first time in so long that we had kissed and it felt wonderful.

Someone cleared their throat as Ben had just put his arms around me, pulling me closer.

"Dang it," he whispered as he pulled away, making me grin.

I backed away and turned, seeing a young girl. I recognized her as the girl who played Winnie. Oh, her name was slipping my mind!

"Hi, Ben. I was just coming to say great job on the show but if you're busy, I--"

"No, he isn't, sweetie." I smiled.

"Sarah," That was it! "This is my girlfriend, India. Indi, this is Sarah. She's our leading lady."

She smiled widely. "Oh, my gosh, hi! I've heard so much about you! You're all Ben talks about! You're so amazing and I'm such a huge fan!" She ran into me and hugged me.

"Oh, does he?" I looked to see a half-smirking, half-blushing Ben.

"Yes! We've all seen so many pictures and listened to so many videos! You sing so pretty and you're just gorgeous!"

I pressed my hand to my chest. "Oh, my goodness. You're too kind. Well, it's an honor to meet you, Sarah. You were wonderful tonight! I'm a big fan of yours, especially now! I guarantee you'll have a great career ahead of you. I'll get to rub in everyone's face that I met you in your debut role!"

She giggled in girlish glee. "Oh, thank you! I've actually seen one of your performances in Newsies. How long will you be staying?"

"Oh, sadly, I have to go back in a few days. It's been my week off and I spent most of it with my family. Now, what I can of it, I'll spend with Ben."

"That's good. Well, I'll let you two talk. Great job, Ben!" She ran and hugged him.

 I almost fangirled at the sight. I always thought guys hugging and playing with younger kids was the cutest thing.

"Thanks, you too, Sarah." he smiled.

She ran out and we were left alone.

"Now, where were we exactly?"

I laughed. "Oh, no sir. You're going to have to get out of those sweaty clothes and get cleaned up before you come near me or kiss me again."

He smirked and started coming at me.

"No! Ben, no," I started to run. I felt his arms pull me back into the room as we both laughed. "Let go!"

"Got you!"

"Ew!" I jerked away.

"Okay, get out of here so I can change. I'll be out in a few," he laughed.

As I waited, a few guys made their way down the hall, in my direction. They came to where I was.

"Excuse me, but, you're Ben's girl, aren't you?" one of them asked.

I couldn't help but smile. "Yes...May I ask who you are? Oh, wait, you all were in the ensemble, right? You guys did great tonight." I said.

"Yeah, we are. Thank you," another said.

The door opened and Ben came out in his everyday clothes.

"Well, I see you guys have met Indi," Ben said, putting his arm around me.

"Yeah, you're a lucky guy, Ben,"

I tensed and Ben's hand patted my back. He knew ever since that time at the mall when I was being followed had me uneasy any time a guy I didn't know would make a comment like that.

"Yeah, I am." He turned to me. "I'm going to grab my things and we'll go out, yeah?"

I smiled. "Yeah."

He and the guys disappeared into the room. He came back out a few minutes later and we laced our fingers together, leaving the theater.

"Hey, he didn't mean anything by that, you know?"

"I know. But after the mall thing...I'm just..."

"I know. I've got you. I'm not going to ever let anything happen to you, beautiful."

I looked up at him and leaned my head on his arm. "I know. Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too. So, what do you want to do?"

"Maybe grab a snack or something. I'm hungry."

He laughed. "You're always hungry."

"Not true! I'm just...okay yes, I'm always hungry."

He smirked at my defeat. "Come on. We can go to my place afterward."

"Sounds great,"

We grabbed a bite to eat and came back to his apartment. After a while I went back to my hotel room, smiling as I fell back onto my bed. 

It was wonderful getting to see my boy again. 

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now