Chapter 25

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"Gosh, it's hot." I fanned my clinging shirt. 

"How am I gonna make ends meet?" Ben sang. We chuckled. "It may be hot, but I mean it's nice out here."

"He's right," Sky said. "It's perfect baseball weather."

I stared out at the field, both teams getting ready for the first inning. 

"It could be worse, it could be raining," Zach said. 

"Or they could be out of bacon," Josh grumbled as he shoved another piece of bacon in from his loaded tater tots. 

"It amazes me that just a few days ago we were shopping with tornadoes breaking out and now we're watching baseball, with a high possibility of dying from a heat stroke." I fanned my shirt out a couple of times again. 

Ben put his arm around me. "That's Texas weather for you, I guess." 

I lay my head on his shoulder, despite the dampness of his own shirt. The baseball game started and we were all having a blast. The Kiss Cam came around and I groaned inwardly, knowing what was gonna happen.

Sky and Josh jumped up, pointing to Ben and me. I swatted at Josh since he was closest. "Sit down, bacon-breath!" 

His hand came to his chest in mock offense. "I am offended." Then he went back to his screaming and hollering. 

The camera landed on Ben and me.  I looked at him. "They just can't leave good enough alone, can they?"

"Nope." He leaned in and kissed me. I pulled away quickly. He smiled and I returned it. 

"I love you," he said. 

"I love you too," 


"I cannot believe we're at NASA!" Steph exclaimed. "This is insane!" 

"I know! I'm not big about this kind of stuff, but you have to admit that this is all pretty cool." I smiled. 

"You know, I wonder if they have any aliens here or anything like that," Sky mentioned. 

Melissa, Steph, and I all looked at each other and burst into laughter. 

"I'm serious!" 

"I--can't--breathe--" Steph held her stomach. 

Melissa started coughing while still laughing somehow. 

"Are you guys okay?" Dan gave us a wary look.

"He--Sky--said--he wonders--if they have--aliens stored here--" I wiped a tear away from my eye.

Dan bobbed his head. "That's actually--hm. That would be cool. I could see that."

"Thank you!" Sky shouted. 

"Sky, aliens aren't real," I said. 

"Really? How do you explain that behind you?"

My eyes widened as I whipped around, seeing three people wearing alien masks. A shriek escaped my throat and I grabbed my chest as my heart raced. 

The guys pulled the masks off, revealing it to be Zach, Josh, and Ben. 

"I hate all three of you!" 

That made them burst into even harder laughter. 

"Benjamin Tyler Cook, you and I are going to have a good talk later!" 

He quirked a brow. "Oh?"



"Ten minutes to places, ten minutes to places," 

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now