Chapter 28

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"I have never been out this late in a swimming pool," David said. 

"I've never either. Did you ever have time to do this kind of stuff while you were on Broadway?" I asked. 

"Well, not really. Jacob and I were still in high school when we were in Newsies. We barely had time to breathe." 

"I feel like that sometimes," Ben said. "But now I guess I'll know about that even better now that I'm going to be in Tuck." 

"It's really cool, though, man," David said. "You'll love it."

"We just hate that you're having to leave," Zach said. 

Ben sighed, nodding. "I do too." 

"But, we're not going to think about that right now," I said, brushing dripping hair from my eyes. "We still have two months. Besides, Thanksgiving is in three days. We have a lot to be thankful for."

The guys nodded. 


Thanksgiving came quickly and it was the most over-the-top Thanksgiving I had ever lived through. 

The cast and crew gathered on a yacht. 

"Is it just me or does anyone else feel like this thing is going to go down like the Titanic?" 

I looked at Sky. "Dude, that was a really big ship. This is a yacht." 

He chuckled. "You and Ben need to do the Titanic thing." 

I scoffed. "Oh please,"

Nicholas lifted his soda can. He was one of the newer cast members, taking over the role of Mush. "I'd pay to see that." 

I rolled my eyes. "You guys are crazy." I walked away, sitting next to Ben at a table. 

I grabbed his cup, taking a sip from it. 

"Oh, you're ticked. What's up with you?" 

I looked at him. "I'm not ticked." 

"Yes, you are, babe. You just drank from my cup. You never drink after me except when you're ticked off." 

I sighed. "It's just the guys teasing." 

"Ah," he sighed. "Well, I'll get one of the guys to stand up for you when I'm...gone." 

"Nuh-uh." I shook my finger. "We aren't thinking depressing thoughts today. We're going to have fun. I mean, we're on a yacht! Who gets to have Thanksgiving on a yacht?" 

He chuckled. "Yeah, you're right. I don't know what I'd do without you." 

"I love you." I smiled. 

"I love you too." 

I turned around, seeing Jordan with his camera. I smiled widely, waving my hands. He walked up, shoving the camera in my face. 

"Hello, India." 

"Hello, Jordan, happy Thanksgiving!" I widely grinned, laughing.

Morgan was sitting next to him, laughing at the other guys acting crazy as always. 

"Hey, Morgan," 

She turned around. 

"Is this your first Thanksgiving away?" 

She sadly smiled. "Yeah, it's so weird!" 

I nodded. "I know right? Last year was my first year and it's one of the strangest things!" 


"You know, my dad always deep-fries a turkey and I swear to you, that it is the best turkey you will ever eat in your life!" 

"Deep-fried?? I've always had it baked!" 

"It's so good!"

"I'd like to try it now that I'm thinking of it." She nodded. 

I smiled and turned back around. I gasped as I saw the plate Ben was handing me. 

"Green bean casserole!" 

He smiled. "Your favorite." 

"Thanks, baby!" I snatched the plate from him. 

"How can you eat that stuff?" Sky asked. 

I turned around, facing him. "Sky, I'm like Josh with his bacon. Do not ever diss green bean casserole." 

He held his hands up. "Okay, okay," 

I finished dipping my plate and Josh looked at me. "Indi, are you sure you're going to eat all of that?" 

I looked down at my plate. "I normally don't eat this much, but ever since I've joined the tour, I've been eating like crazy. I think it's because we're constantly moving. If I go into a turkey coma so be it." 

He laughed. 

"You know," Joey started, "at first I wasn't sure if I liked you or not Indi, not going to lie. I thought you were too perky." 

"Hey, that's my girlfriend you're talking about." Ben objected playfully. 

I smiled. 

"But I know now, I like ya." He shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes in his mouth. 

I smiled, unsure of how to take it. "Thank you...?" 


"Hey, India, can I see you for a moment?" Mr. C called. 

"Yeah, sure." I followed him out of my dressing room. He led me to the front of the house, where a guy was waiting. 

"India Logans, this is Daniel Switzer. He's going to be playing Race once Ben leaves." 

For a second, I was stunned. It was bringing Ben's departure ever more into the light. I shook myself out of my stupor and shook Daniel's extended hand. 

"Nice to meet you," I said. 

"You too." 

"I'll let you two get acquainted. It's nearly half-hour, just a reminder." 

"So, uh, guess who I met today," I said to Ben later at the coffee shop. 


"Your replacement." 

His eyes scrunched as he gulped down his drink. "Wh--what?" 

I grimaced. "Sorry, that sounded rough. The next Race I should say." 

"Well, what'd you think of him? Are we all going to meet him soon?" 

"I guess so. I think that Mr. C just introduced us first since we'll be working more together. He's nice..." 

"There's a but coming in there somewhere." 

"But, I don't know about him yet. It's not going to be the same. I don't want to kiss him every night." 

He nodded. "I don't want you to either." 

I smiled, remembering the last ordeal we had over that. "I know." 

We both stood up, leaving out the door to head back to the hotel. 

"It'll be okay. I'm sure you'll warm up to him in time. Just not too much." 

"Benjamin! What's that supposed to mean?" 

He looked down, swirling his drink. "I...I don't want him taking my place." 

I leaned in and kissed him, to which he quickly responded. I pulled away. "No one is ever going to take your place." 

"For sure?" he asked. 

I smiled. "For sure." 

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now