Chapter 11

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I walked into the theater the next day, feeling a little better but still a little weak.

"Indi!" the boys yelled as I walked past their dressing room.

"How are you doing? We heard about last night," Nico said.

"I'm feeling a little better, just still a little weak. Steph made sure I ate a lot this morning."

"Ben will be happy to know that," Jack said. Jordan slapped his arm.

"Speaking of Ben, I need to thank him, Josh, and Sky. Where are they?" I asked.

"Ben's right behind me." Josh came up.

"I'm here!" Sky said, coming from the back of the room.

I hugged them both. "Thank you guys for last night. You don't know how much I appreciate it. Really."

"It was nothing. You'd do it for any of us,"

Ben came walking around the corner and when he saw me, his face lit up. "Indi, morning!"

My face felt hot for some reason. "Morning, Ben. Thank you for last night. You'll never know how much it meant to me."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I was just glad I could help. How are you feeling? Have you eaten anything?"

I laughed. "I'm still a little weak but better. Yes, Steph made me eat so much this morning it was ridiculous."


A wave of awkwardness washed over when I turned around and saw some of the guys watching, but they quickly acted like they weren't.

"Well, um, I'll see you on stage," I said, walking away.

"Yeah," Ben's voice trailed off.

Mr. C made me relax the whole day, not doing any dancing. It was torture not being able to dance and watching everyone else, but at least I could still do scenes. Jeff was about to ban me from the night's showing but I finally convinced him I was better.

We went on that night and it went smoothly. That I was grateful for. 

Before we left that night, we were told that tomorrow we'd have a free day to go out. That meant shopping, trying out the food, and all that jazz.

I woke up the next morning, ready to get going. I was ready for some type of adventure!

I went down to the lobby of the hotel to grab some breakfast seeing Steph at one of the tables.

"Morning, Steph," I poured myself a cup of coffee.

She sniffed. "Morning, Indi,"

I looked at her. "Steph, are you feeling okay? You sound congested."

"I feel like I'm drowning in mucus. I hope I can go on tonight. I'm going to rest all today and then I should be able to go on. If not, you're making your debut as Katherine,"

I nearly jerked. "I--I've only practiced with Dan once! I can't even kiss Ben so how the heck am I going to kiss Dan?"

She chuckled but started coughing after it. "Since Dan is a good few years older than you, you won't have to kiss him. Jeff already decided that. Now, just grab something and go have fun."

"You sure you don't need me?"

"Don't worry about me." She shooed me away.

"Okay, well, text me later and let me know how you are." 

She nodded.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket as I walked away.

Sky (the reason the sun shines): Hey, Indi, where are you?

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now