Chapter 18

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It was Thanksgiving day.

It was the first Thanksgiving I had lived that I was absent from meeting with family. It did hurt a little, but I called, wishing them a good day, and talked for a little while.

I was ready to celebrate the day with my other family. I had gotten ready, dressing up a little bit as I always had. It was a holiday after all!

Stephanie, myself, and Melissa, one of the other amazing girlsies on tour, all met up and came to where the cast and crew were meeting for the meal.

"You know, this is my first ever Thanksgiving away from my family," I said to Melissa. I hadn't gotten to hang out with her much, but she was pretty cool.

"It is a little odd, isn't it?" she laughed.

"Hello, ladies."

We turned to see Ben, Josh, and Sky.

"Ah, the three musketeers," I smirked. 

Melissa laughed. We all hugged each other.

"Happy Thanksgiving," Sky said.

"Yeah, to you all too." I looked at them all.

"Alright, everyone, gather around!"

 Everyone started heading to a table.

"Hey, you wanna sit by me?" I asked Melissa.

She smiled. "Sure!"


I turned at the small voice, seeing Wren, Steve and Meredith's daughter running to me. I had gotten to know Meredith better over all this time, as I had with everyone. I had spent more time with some more than others, but I still knew everyone pretty well.

Little Wren at first was shy, but she eventually warmed up to me. Anytime she saw me, she ran and had me pick her up.

"Hey, Wren!" I picked her up, kissing her cheek. Meredith was coming behind her, smiling.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" Wren said.

I smiled. "Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, sweetie."

I handed her over to Meredith and we greeted each other. We all sat down at our tables. We were to stand and share something we were thankful for, then food would come. I sat with Melissa, Ben, Josh, Sky, DeMarius, and Nico. Our table was first.

"Well," Josh said. "Of course, I'm thankful for family and friends, this tour and the opportunities I've had. And, probably, most of all, bacon!"

We all started laughing. Sky, Nico, DeMarius, and Melissa went, then came my turn. I stood up and knew what I was going to say.

"As others have said, I am extremely grateful for family and friends. This is my first ever opportunity for something like this and it's beyond my wildest dreams. I'm so thankful for it. I'm thankful for the people I've met here on this tour. They've made such an impact on me and I know I have friends for life."

Ben came next. He sat back down and he looked down for a second. My phone buzzed in the back pocket of my jeans.

Benny-boo: Meet me in the hall?

I looked across the table to where he was sitting and nodded. Everyone was getting up to get their food since everyone finished. I got up and left to the hall. A minute later, Ben came.

"Did you want to tell me something?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just wanted to tell you that I'm so thankful that I met you. You're the most amazing girl I've ever met. You're one of the most special people I know." He took my hands in his.

I smiled. "I'm beyond thankful that I met you too. I can't imagine my life without you now. I mean, you gave me my first kiss," I laughed and he smiled. "You're awesome, Ben."

"So are you."

 He leaned in and we kissed, only to be interrupted by a gasp. I pulled away, seeing Melissa.

"Oh--uh--I--Sorry, I was coming to look for you, Indi. I didn't know where you had gone. I was just coming to see if you were okay. Since you're busy, I'll go." She turned around.

"No, it's okay, Melissa. We were just telling each other something we were thankful for." I said.

 I started walking to the door of the dining room with Ben beside me. Melissa led the way.

We got in line for food, somehow being behind Josh and Sky.

"Where were you two?" Josh asked.

"Please don't tell me you were hiding somewhere and making out," Sky said.

I rolled my eyes, used to the horrible accusations. "No, we weren't. We were just telling each other something we were thankful for."

"Yep, they were kissing," Josh said.

Ben and I rolled our eyes.

"Hey, some of us girlsies are going Black Friday shopping tonight. You in?" Melissa asked me.

"Yeah, sure!"


That night Meredith, myself, Stephanie, and Melissa went shopping. We ended up going to Target,  and there we saw a group of guys acting like complete idiots.

"Weirdos," I whispered to Steph, laughing.

She laughed. One of the boys turned around, revealing it to be Dan.

"Dan!" Stephanie exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?" Melissa asked.

"We're shopping, duh."

Ben, Josh, Sky, DeMarius, and two of the other guys turned around. We all talked for a little bit and went our separate ways.

I looked at Meredith. "What is up with them?"

She laughed. "Honey, I have no clue."

We kept shopping and I kept looking for something I could give to Ben for his birthday.


I turned at Meredith's voice.

"Is there something you're looking for?"

"Yeah. I want to get Ben something for his birthday, but I have no clue what to get him. I know what I'd get Josh or Sky but I have no clue what to get Ben."

"Well, the best gifts come from the heart." she smiled.

I thought about it, knowing exactly what I was going to give him.

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now