Chapter 12

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Steph had been well enough to go on for the next three nights, but then she had taken a turn.

I would be debuting Thursday night as Katherine. I was more nervous than I had been when I debuted as Scarlett. Katherine was such a loved character, I wanted to do her justice.

I paced back and forth in the studio as I finished practice with Dan. We were free until tonight but I planned on spending the rest of my day rehearsing lines.  I kept getting one scene's lines wrong.  

I was getting frustrated. They were simple! Why couldn't I get it?

"Hey, Indi--" I turned, seeing Ben and once he saw my face, his features fell. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

"Not really. I have to go on for Steph tonight and I keep messing my lines up. How am I going to make Steph and my parents and Fansies proud if I can't get my lines straight?"

He walked over to me. "You've already made your parents proud, Indi. They were beaming with pride when they saw you on stage. You've made Steph proud just by going on for her and not backing out. Fansies, they already love you. You'll get the lines down, Indi. I was going to ask if you wanted to go out with us again, but it's clear that you're busy. Why don't I help you with them? I'll tell the guys I won't be joining them on this outing,"

I nearly blushed at the comments. I shook my head. "Thank you, Ben, but I can't let you do that. You shouldn't give up having fun with the others because I can't get my lines down."

He dropped his backpack. "Nope. I've made my mind up. I'm going to help you whether you want me to or not. I'm texting Josh now. I'm helping my other best friend out," he flashed a smile.

I let out a short laugh. "You know, you really have a way of convincing people of things, don't you?"

He smirked as he texted Josh. He looked back up at me and walked toward me. "Now, what do you need help with?"

"The scene where Jack and Katherine are on the rooftop and it's just a few lines before Something To Believe In. It's crazy, I should know it all after hearing it so much but I just don't."

I handed him my script and he looked over it. "Ready? You want to go full out?" he asked.

I nodded, running over the starting line. I took a breath. "I don't understand. If you were willing to go to jail for those boys, how could you turn your back on them now?" I started.

Ben looked down at the script. "I don't think you're anyone to talk about turning on folks."

"I never turned on you or anyone else." I waved my hand around for more effect.

"No," he read. "You just double-crossed us to your father. Your father!"

"My father has eyes on every corner of this city. He doesn't need me spying for him. And I never lied. I didn't tell you everything..." I turned away a little.

He looked up from the script. "If you weren't a girl you'd be trying to talk with a fist in your mouth."

I looked into his eyes and I instantly looked down, unable to hold his gaze. What was happening to me? "I said that I worked for The Sun, and I did. I told you my professional name was Plumber, and it is. You never...asked me my real one,"

"I wouldn't think I had to unless I knew I was dealing with a backstabber."

"And if I was a boy, you'd be looking at me through one swollen eye!"

He got up in my face. "Don't let that stop you. Gimme your best shot!"

I stopped short of what was to come next. We looked each other in the eyes, holding each other's gaze.

"Well, um, thanks. I got it. Thank you." I hugged him. "I know that it was short, but that was the only part I needed help on."

We both looked down awkwardly.

"You're...uh, welcome. Now, you want to come with us?"

"Yeah. It will get my mind off of my nerves."

He slung his arm over my shoulders but then quickly removed it as we picked up our backpacks. "Let's get going!"

"You know, I am going to miss acting alongside you," I said, looking up at him.

He smiled. "Me too, girlie."

My face felt hot for some reason and Ben looked embarrassed. I couldn't help but smile.


"You've got this, India. You're going to do great! One of the swings is going to be playing your role, right?" Sheila said as she helped me put the wig on.

"Yeah, Melissa I think. Geez, I hope I will. I'm going to miss acting with Ben, though."

She hummed. "Mmm, girl, with how he kisses you I bet so,"

I laughed so hard, my lungs hurt. "He doesn't kiss me. I've never been kissed before so he says he wants me to be able to save it for my first boyfriend."

"You fooled me then. I thought you two had something going. I did not know any better."

"No, we're just really good friends, that's all," I said.

Are we though?

Where did that thought come from?

A knock on the door came. "Decent!" I yelled.

The door opened, revealing Ben, Josh, and Sky. They walked in, in full costume.

"We just wanted to come to tell you to break a leg," Ben said.

"Thank you." I hugged all three of them. "You all break a leg too."

"You look great, Indi. Like always. Break a leg." Ben whispered in my ear as we embraced. I felt my cheeks go hot. He pulled away and left quickly.

"You're blushing, young lady. Now, come on. We need to finish getting you ready."


I walked backstage and Dan found me. "Hey, you got this. You're gonna do great!" He pat me on the shoulder.

I nervously smiled. "Thanks, Dan."

"And don't worry, I ain't going to kiss you, you're not gonna kiss me. We'll just miss each other's mouths," he joked. "I'm sure Ben would have a fit if I did anyway."

I looked at him. "Um, Ben and I aren't--we're not--"

He looked stunned. "Oh, um, sorry. I shouldn't have said something like that. My apologies,"

"No, it's okay."

He nodded once and ran to his place. The overture started. I paced back and forth, palms clammy and nerves racked.

"Hey." I turned and saw Josh. "You ready for this?" He held his arm out.

 I had forgotten that he was playing Darcy and I would be with him when I first came on stage. It was a gift I would happily take with no quarrels.

I looped my arm through his. "Yeah. Let's do this thing."

Carrying The Banner had started minutes prior and it came to the part where we had to walk out. I took a deep breath as we walked out on stage.

The show flew by as always. When it came to taking our bows, I ran out and the crowd roared. I was so grateful for that; it assured me that I had pulled it off.

I was beyond thankful for the opportunity to play Katherine. It was a dream come true.

I had just finished changing when a knock on the door came.

"Decent!" I yelled.

The door opened, revealing Ben, Josh, and Sky. They walked in, and Sky was holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "Boys!"

"We wanted to get something for our substitute leading lady," Ben said.

"I told them you would have preferred food but they were dead set on flowers." Josh rolled his eyes.

"They're gorgeous! Thank you." I grabbed them and handed them to Sheila. I hugged them.

I had the greatest friends ever.

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now