Chapter 21

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Christmas day came, and with that, also my birthday. Everyone had exchanged gifts and I had received some extra, due to it being my birthday. Later on in the day, I went to my room and sat in front of my computer to video call my parents so we could open each other's presents.

I waited for my parents to pick up and I squealed when I saw their faces. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, baby!"

"And happy birthday!" Dad smiled.

"Thank you! How have you been since I talked to you both last?"

"Honey, you talked to us a few days ago," Dad laughed.

I smiled.

"We've been doing well, Indi. Have you?"

"Yes, I've been fine. How are things back at home? How's Aunt Rue?"

"It's been a little boring of course, without you, but it's alright," Dad said.

"Rue is okay. She wasn't feeling her best about a week ago, but she's better now, I think."

I nodded. "Well, that's good to hear."

"Yes, well, now, get to your presents, young lady!"

I laughed as I grabbed the first package. They had mailed my presents to me and they had gotten here a few days ago. I wasn't going to lie, it was hard not to open them.

I unwrapped the first small package and inside was a bracelet that had things from Newsies engraved on it. Along with the dates I was accepted and I signed my contract.

"Oh! I love this! It even has--"

"Your character's name, yes." Mom smiled.

"We wanted to get you something that we knew would remind you of your big break," Dad said.

"Open your next one!"

I laughed as I grabbed the next package. It was a pair of new dance shoes and two new leotards. I gasped. "Oh, thank you!"

I got up and tried the shoes on. "They fit perfectly!"

"Good, 'cause I was scared they wouldn't." Mom sighed.

I started doing a few moves in them and Mom and Dad laughed.

"Come on! You have one more!" Mom laughed.

I took off the shoes so they wouldn't get messed up and grabbed the last package. I gasped as I uncovered it.

"Mom, Dad,"

"It's the picture of us before we left the house," Dad said.

"We thought you'd want it since you only had an old one on your cell phone."

A tear slipped down my cheek, remembering that moment. A homesick feeling crept in. I wiped the tear away and smiled. "Thank you so much. I miss you both so much. I love you."

"We love you too, honey." Mom wiped her face.

"We miss you loads, too. You'll be with us again, soon." Dad smiled.

I nodded, unable to speak as I stared at the framed photo in my hands. I hugged it to my chest and Mom and Dad opened their gifts. We spent a little more time together and then we all had to go.

"We love you so much, India. Merry Christmas and happy birthday," Mom said.

"We miss you so much and we'll see you again soon. Break a leg, tonight."

"Thank you. I love and miss you too. Bye,"


I closed the program down. A few tears slipped down my cheeks and I wiped them away, getting up to put my gifts away. I pulled on my new shoes, testing them out once more. I smiled as I did a few moves in them again. I was thankful for my gifts but more that I got to see my parents. 


Days passed and it was New Year's Eve. The cast and crew got together to celebrate the occasion.

We all stood looking at the clock, waiting for the clock to turn to midnight, signifying that we had entered the next year.

We all started counting down.

"Five, four, three, two, one!"

"Happy New Year!"

Ben looked at me. "Happy New Year."

 His lips met mine, gently, yet kissing me as if it was the last day we would live. The usual fireworks in my stomach shot off in unison with the fireworks shooting outside. I heard whistles from some of the others in the room, but I ignored it. He pulled back.

I laughed. "Happy New Year, indeed."

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now