Chapter 23

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Days had passed since our performance and some of our days had been spent at Disneyland, along with a few other things, and then we moved on to Tucson.

We took some time one day to go exploring, going to the Sabino Canyon.

"Okay so, what are we doing first?" I asked as we walked. "Swimming or hiking?"

"Well, maybe hiking first?" Julian said.

"Yeah, that way if we get sweaty we can go swimming afterward," Nico said.

I cringed. "First of all, ew. Second, yeah that sounds good."

The guys laughed. We all started hiking and going around the trail. The sights were beautiful, unlike anything I'd ever seen before. As we hiked, my legs grew weak.

"Hey, fellas, can we slow down? Or take a break? Or both?" I slightly gasped.

Ben and Sky turned around. "We'll stay with you."

Sky turned back to the guys. "Oh, uh, I think I hear someone calling my name. I'll be back."

Ben and I laughed as he ran off, both of us knowing well that he wasn't coming back.

After I caught my breath, I stood straight up again. "Dang, I'm out of shape,"

Ben laughed as his fingers locked with mine. "Nah, you're not, it's just been a tough hike."

I grinned. We walked hand in hand, catching up with the others, and then we finished our hike.

"Race you nitwits to the bottom!" Sky yelled as he bolted.

"Oh, come on!"

"That's not fair, you've got a running start!"

The boys started racing down the hill and I looked at Ben.

"Beat you to the bottom," I smirked.

"I'll be waiting for you,"

We bolted down the trail. 


I laughed as we all made our way to the beach to meet up with everyone. "Baby, no matter how much you try to ignore it, I still am not going to let go that I beat you!"

Ben hung his head.

"I mean, Ben, she got you good!" Josh laughed. "She was at least seven feet ahead of you,"

"I was tired, okay?"

Everyone laughed at his excuse and we soon came to the beach, meeting up with everyone and getting into the water.

"This water is such a nice temperature," I sighed. "It's so cool."

"After that hike, it does feel good," Nico said.

"It's still super cold if it hits you in the face, though," Josh said.

"Oh, come on, it can't be that bad," I said.

"Oh yeah?" Ben looked at me.

"No, no, Ben don't!" 

He pushed a big amount of water toward me that smacked me in the face. Josh was right. I shrieked and laughed as Ben kept pushing the water at me.

"No! Stop! Ben--I'm going--"

I started splashing him next and that made him stop.

"Okay! Okay! Truce! Indi, truce!"

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now