Chapter 16

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The next morning, I was getting ready for my first ever flight. I was more nervous for the flight than I had been auditioning for Newsies. I felt nauseous the whole morning as we left the hotel and came to the airport. As we came closer, I nearly started hyperventilating. I didn't have a phobia of heights but I was scared out of my mind for this.

"Hey, Indi, are you okay?" Steph looked at me.

I shook my head, unable to speak.

"Okay, um, come here. Let's find Ben,"

"No, he can't see me like this. I'm a mess." I gasped out.

She put her arm around my shoulders and helped me inside. We made our way through security, and we took a seat in the terminal. There we found some of our other castmates.

"Hey, Indi, are you okay?" Dan asked.

Unable to speak, Steph stepped up. "She's nervous. It's her first flight."

"Oh, I got you. Don't worry about it. It's really cool."

I sat still. I was losing it, I swear I was.

"Hey, breathe, okay? I'm going to go get some coffee. You want some?"

I nodded.

"Okay, I'll get your usual." she smiled.

I sat quietly and tried to breathe. I felt horrid. I laid my head against the chair beside me, hoping it would help. Time had passed apparently because I heard the reminders of flights soon to take off constantly. I started feeling even worse when it was the fifteen-minute warning for our flight was called. I started to shudder.

"Indi? Are you alright?"

I opened my eyes to see Sky and Ben.

"No." I gasped out.

Steph was right behind them and her eyes widened. "Okay, Indi, I need you to drink something. Ben, grab her water bottle."

Ben grabbed my bag at my feet and handed me my water bottle. I took a swig.

"Here, drink a little bit of this." She handed me the coffee cup.

"You're alright, Indi." Ben and Sky took a seat next to me.

"She's nervous about the flight. She has been all morning." Steph informed them.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. Just breathe." Sky patted my shoulder.

"This is so embarrassing," I moaned.

"Don't sweat it." Dan chimed in.

"Everyone's nervous about something. This is something big. Sorta," Julian said.

"They're right, Indi," Zach said.

I looked at them all. "Thank you guys so much."

They all gave a smile. I still felt pretty rough when Ben put his arm around me. "If you need to lay your head on my shoulder, feel free to. I want you to be well,"

I nodded and took him up on his offer. I lay my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Hey, Indi, come on, we have to go," Ben whispered a while later.

"Did I doze off?" I asked, getting up.

"I think. You have everything?"

I looked and made sure. I nodded and he took my free hand.

"Thank you, Ben. I know I'm a wimp. I'm so sorry,"

"No, you're not. You're one of the toughest people I know. Come on, I'll sit with you on the flight."

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now