Chapter 26

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A knock sounded on the hotel room door and I opened it, finding Meredith. 

"Hey, Indi. Is Steph here?"

"Oh, no, she isn't rooming with me this time around. What can I do for you?" I opened the door further so she could walk in. 

"All of the guys are going out on a boat, so I was gathering all of the girls to take them out to get pedicures. Would you like to come?"

I smiled. "I'd love that. I haven't had one in ages!" 

She adjusted little Wren on her hip. "Great. We're all meeting in the lobby in fifteen minutes." 

"Sounds great," 

I shut the door as she left, pulling out my phone to text Ben. 

Indi: I'm going out with the girls, so if you come looking for me, I won't be here. Love you! Have fun with the other guys!

I pressed 'send' and shoved my phone in my back pocket. As I finished doing my hair ten minutes later, I pulled my phone out. Ben still hadn't read the text. He was probably busy. 

"Hey, Indi!"

I smiled at Becca through the mirror. "Hey, are you coming with us other girls?" 

"Sure am! I'm excited. I've not had one done in--"


"How'd you know?" she laughed. 

"I said the same thing." 

She smiled. "I wonder what the guys are doing on the boat." 

"I don't know. I texted Ben to let him know that I wouldn't be here because sometimes he drops by and we hang out but he hasn't read my text yet. He's probably busy." 

"Probably. Oh!" Becca gasped as she looked at her watch. "We need to get going, we have five minutes to be down there." 

"Just in time." I finished off securing my hair. "Come on,"


An hour passed as we all sat back and got our pedicures done. I had been checking my phone like crazy and Ben still hadn't opened my text. I hoped they were okay. 

"Are you expecting a call?" Meredith asked. 

"Hm? Oh, no. I texted Ben to let him know I wasn't going to be in the room and he hasn't even opened the text yet, which is unlike him because usually, he'll answer right back. I hope everything is alright." 

"I'm sure it is. I'll bet they're all so busy he hasn't thought about checking his phone." 

I nodded. "Yeah. You're right. Probably. Thank you." 

She smiled. 

Ten minutes later, my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and saw Ben had replied. 

Benny-Boo: Have fun with the girls! I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier, I JUST got done taking a phone call. Love you too.

I smiled but a part of me got curious. Who was he speaking to for that long?

Indi: Is everything okay?

Benny-Boo: yeah, everything is just fine. 


As the months went by, Ben had more and more phone calls. I was starting to worry. Was there something wrong? I hoped not. 

A few months had gone by and we reached the anniversary of the show touring. A whole year, we had been traveling all around the country, and even to Canada, which I never thought I'd see. We all cheered as we partied harder than we had for the 300th show marker.

Pirouettes and Playbills-Ben Cook X OCWhere stories live. Discover now