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"I'm pregnant" was all it took and Deku immediately fainted, collapsing to the floor.

"Deku!" Uraraka cried out as she ran to over to him and cradled his head.

"Hey are you ok?" she asked immediately worried that she might have actually broken him with the news.

"But...how?...when?...why now?..." Deku asked barely forming a sentence. In fact he didn't form a sentence he simply said a few words that asked what he wanted to ask but had no real structure to them.

"You know how babies are made Deku so that's how. Why now? I don't know, I didn't plan on this happening nor did I want it to happen when we've only just finished school and we're about to begin our hero careers. As for when it was most likely the night we passed our exam. We hadn't done it for a while and yes I was on the pill but it doesn't always work. There's always that 1% chance and I guess that's me" she said chuckling nervously at the thought and also with a hint of annoyance. Clearly she wasn't happy that there was a 1% chance and she managed to be the one that got knocked up.

Just my luck. As usual.

"...right" was all Deku could manage. They sat in silence for a moment with Deku still lay on the floor and Uraraka still supporting his head.

"I haven't decided whether I'm keeping it or not by the way" Uraraka said. Deku sat up on hearing that.

"You haven't?" he asked a little surprised but nevertheless with a sense of understanding.

"Not really. We're about to start our hero careers. I'm going to struggle to get work if I've got a baby on the way and I'll be taking maternity leave almost immediately after my career starts so what agency is going to want that? And if I can't earn money then I can't help mom and dad and we're still so young and our relationship has only been for a few years. Are we really ready for a baby?" Uraraka asked really not sure if she knew the answer. Deku thought about it for a moment before collecting himself, realising that he hadn't really provided any comfort or support and he'd just fainted like and idiot and asked questions. That's when he hugged her.

"My mom always said that nobody is ever truly ready to be a parent. That you can plan it out or convince yourself you're going to be a great parent with a great kid but even then you're never ready" Deku said trying to provide a comforting sentiment.

"My parents used to tell me the same thing" Uraraka said returning the hug and burying her face into the warmth of Deku's neck/shoulder.

"As for your career I'm sure there's things we can do. I'll still be able to work and I'm sure we can sort something out for you. I know you don't want to be a housewife so I won't suggest that you let me do all the work and earn all the money or you'll kill me" Deku joked which earned a laugh from Uraraka.

"You're damn right I will, you big dummy" she said chuckling away to herself, delighted with how well Deku was taking the news.

"We'll get in line I've got a long list of enemies and people that want me dead. As for us we already are parents. We have Eri. And not to mention we've fought some of the most dangerous and crazy powerful villains in the world, potentially of all time so when you think about it like that how hard can it really be to raise another kid?" Deku joked once again earning another laugh from Uraraka.

"Sure. Can't argue with logic like that" Uraraka said wiping a tear of joy from her eye. Deku loosened his grip and pulled his head back so he could look into her eyes and have a more serious conversation.

"Ochako I'd love to have a kid with you. This is WAY sooner than I'd hoped for one but I know we could make it work. Together. And with help from all our friends and our parents. Although the decision is ultimately yours. It's your body and you're the one that would have to go through the pregnancy and make all sorts of sacrifices to have this baby so if you wanted to wait until we're a little bit older and more prepared or established as pro heroes then I'll understand" Deku said. Uraraka frowned.

"Don't do that" Uraraka said rather disappointedly.

"Don't do what?" Deku asked, confused as to what he'd done wrong.

"Absolve yourself of the decision. This is OUR baby so it's OUR decision. Don't try and put it on me to decide whether I let myself go through the hell of giving birth when you're the one that knocked me up" Uraraka said with a somewhat serious tone but also laid back as well. She wasn't angry, she just didn't want Deku to sit on the fence for this one.

"But I-" Deku began but she cut him off.

"But nothing. You did this to me mister and it's your child so you have a say here. So, Izuku Midoriya, do you want to keep this baby?" she asked. Deku thought about arguing with her for a moment but in the end decided not to.

"Yes. Yes I do" he replied keeping a rather blank expression. Uraraka however smiled brightly and tackled him to the floor, kissing him passionately.

"So do I" she said pulling back from the kissing for a moment. Deku smiled and both of them laughed a little out of relief and pure elation. They were going to have a baby! Uraraka continued to make out with him until Deku pushed her shoulders a little to lift her off, gently.

"What? My kissing wasn't that bad, I was on fire" Uraraka said disappointed that he'd seperated their lips.

"It's not that. I've just realised something" Deku said. Uraraka raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?" she asked. Deku sighed before he told her and when he did her heart skipped a beat.

"We're going to have a baby Ochako. Which means...we have to tell our parents..."

Just so you know this is just the epilogue which I already had pre-written. I just thought I'd post it so that you all could know about it and know that the story is being planned out and written. I'll be continuing my break for a little while longer though so don't expect any chapters for at least another month or so. That being said thank you all for coming this far with me I've enjoyed the journey so far and it's not over yet! Can't wait for you guys to see what I have planned for this story!

Izuku x Ochako fanfic "Parents To Be" Where stories live. Discover now