Chapter 28: The bowels of hell

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"You don't have to-" Deku began but Uraraka simply pressed a finger to his lips.

"Don't even try it. I go with you or we go home. Those are your options" she told him before removing her finger from his lips.

"Understood" he said. There was an awkward silence as the elevator continued to descend. He'd told her about his decision to go and see Shigaraki. He'd almost kept the part about hearing All Might's voice to himself. Naturally Uraraka wasn't convinced that he'd actually heard his voice but when Deku insisted he did, she believed him.

"Your mom called by the way" Uraraka said to break the silence as she couldn't stand it anymore. Deku stiffened up at the mention of his mother. Whilst he'd been making sure to keep in touch and visit her often, his heart skipped a beat everytime she was mentioned in conversation.

"Was she ok?" he asked. Knowing some days were better than others for her. Her symptoms were still relatively minor but on some days Inko felt extremely weak and sick and on others she felt nothing and was able to go about her day as she pleased.

"Yeah. Everything was fine. She was just calling to make sure you were still ok to go with her to her scan tomorrow" Uraraka said as she brushed her hair back behind her ear with her hand.

"Right. I can still go with her. I don't go back to work for a few more days but I'll call her when we're done here" he said nervously scratching the back of his head a little. It concerned Uraraka how Deku spoke about being a hero. When she first met him it was his dream and he'd talk about it with that childish excitement. Now? It was just work. Talking about it like it was just his regular old 9 to 5 to pay the bills. Something he had to do. Rather than something he wanted to do.

"You know, this place could really use some elevator music" Uraraka said trying to lighten the mood a little. It worked as Deku let out a small chuckle.

"It's a prison. A giant underground prison. Designed to contain the one prisoner and prevent his crew from busting him out" Deku reminded her. Deku wasn't even sure of it's location. The two of them were taken on a flight and blindfolded before landing until they were inside the prison. All he knew was that they were somewhere very hot and deep underground.

"I know but come on this is like a 10 minute descent. Some background music is the least they could do" she said. In truth she was feeling the nerves. Seeing Shigaraki face to face was always a disturbing experience for both of them. Not only that but the two of them almost never walk away unscathed. Whether it be mentally or physically.

"I mean it would certainly help. Can't imagine this is a fun trip for anyone" Deku said as he tried to engage in the conversation to distract himself from his own nerves. Again though, awkward silence fell upon the two of them. That is, until Uraraka started gently swaying her hips. Deku glanced at her and raised an eyebrow before returning his gaze to the doors in front of them.

"What are you doing?" he asked suspiciously. She carried on looking straight ahead at the elevator door, swaying her hips and gave an innocent smile.

"Nothing" she said with a coy look in her eyes. Deku turned his head to look at her with his eyebrow still raised.

"Clearly it's something" Deku replied. Again, she simply smiled and kept swaying her hips in the same slow and steady manner. However she started to gently nod her head now as well.

"Just thinking of a song" she said continuing to amuse herself in the long and painful wait for the elevator to reach the depths of the prison.

"Oh? Is it a song I know?" Deku asked. Uraraka nodded just before she started to sing. Although in a much slower and calmer manner than the actual song.

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