Chapter 23: Plan B

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"Anything?" Uraraka asked as she dropped the document she was holding on the coffee table and slumped back on the sofa in frustration.

"Nope. Nothing so far" Deku replied as he continued to peruse through the document that he was holding.

"Of course not. It'd be too easy if the bad guys just wrote down confessions with a list of all the evidence to convinct them and where to find it" she said letting out a big sigh of annoyance. She'd been feeling pretty useless since she had to stop working. It didn't help that she wasn't exactly providing any useful discoveries for Deku to work with on his case either. Part of her wondered if she just wasn't cut out for this side of hero work and that she should just let Deku work on it since he was the smart one. However she'd quickly remind herself that wasn't true and that she was a more than capable detective in her own right.

"Isn't this why we have detectives? So they can go through all the boring paperwork and find leads and then if they need help they call the heroes?" Uraraka asked as she grunted a little from a small cramp. That made Deku look up from his work.

"You ok?" Deku asked. More concerned with her safety than what she'd just said.

"Fine. Just a small one" she reassured him. That didn't stop him from grabbing the nearest cushion and gestured for her to lean forward so he could put it behind her. She obliged and lay back with the cushion now making her more comfortable.

"You're so sweet" she chuckled. Deku simply smiled and placed a hand on her baby bump. It still wasn't too big but it definitely stood out at this point.

"I just want to make this as easy as possible for you" he said with a smile. Uraraka grabbed the scruff of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I love you" she whispered as their lips seperated. Deku kissed her again before responding.

"I love you too" he whispered back. The two of them got lost in each other's eyes and wondered if they should go in for a third and then maybe a fourth and a fifth. However a certain kanine was feeling jealous.

"Satoshi!" they cried out in unison as he leapt onto the sofa and licked both of their faces, forcing them apart.

"I forget how jealous he gets over kisses" Deku chuckled as he wiped the dog drool from his face.

"Aw he just wants some love too dontcha boy?" Uraraka said as she ruffled his fur and gave him a kiss on the head which only made him even more excited.

"He's a cutie" Deku said scratching him behind the ear. However he realised he needed to get back to work and look for some leads.

"Go on boy go back to bed. Eri is already fast asleep you should be too" Uraraka said as she gave him the hand signal they'd taught him for bed. Satoshi did as he was told and returned to his doggy bed, laying down and closing his eyes to go back to sleep.

"Well at least his training is going well. Oh and in answer to your question, yes. Usually they would do all the "boring" stuff but Endeavour has the whole agency working on this case. It's priority number one to catch this killer and bring them in so-" Deku began to go into his mumbled rambling phase but Uraraka interrupted before he could.

"I know Deku. I'm just frustrated that we can't seem to find any answers. I'm sure you are too. Especially when it feels like we're so close" Uraraka said as she looked at the mess of files and documents before them, each of them more disappointing than the last.

"Yeah. Let's take a break. For now I think we should just wait and see what we learn from plan B. In the meantime..." Deku trailed off and gave Uraraka a suggestive look. One that she immediately picked up on.

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