Chapter 24: Eve

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"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit!" Miss Flueric cried out. The alarm was blaring throughout the building as she impatiently waited for the elevator to reach her office.

"This is not a drill. All non-essential staff please vacate the premises immediately" was the automated message being played on repeat every minute or so.

"Can this thing go any fucking faster!?" she cried out to herself as her foot began to tap. The number on the monitor was slowly going up one by one as she desperately longed to reach her destination.

"Finally!" she exclaimed as the elevator pinged and the doors began to slide open. The second the gap was big enough, she forced her way through and ran straight to her desk. As she approached she grabbed the phone and wiped the sweat from her brow. After she inputted a few numbers it began to ring.

"Come on. Pick up" she pleaded as the phone continued to ring. No answer.

"SHIT!" she screamed as her heartbeat seemed to be growing ever louder. Again, she dialed the number and hoped for a different result this time. The phone rang once more and this time somebody picked up.

"Oh thank god. Is the garden secure?" she asked. There was no reply. Only silence.

"Um...hello?" she asked, knowing somebody had answered the phone. The feeling of dread in her chest was reaching it's boiling point. Again, there was nothing but silence. That's when she slowly put the phone on the desk and put it on loud speaker. Her heart sank as she could hear the unmistakable sound of someone breathing on the other end of the line. A lump formed in her throat.

"I-is th-that y-you...E-Eve?" she asked. Nothing. No words. Just more breathing. Deep, angry, vengeful breaths.

"I know y-you're there" Miss Flueric informed Eve. Something they both knew already. She was just trying to find a way to stall or think of how she could reason with her mute listener. No words were given in response. However the deep breaths seemed to get ever so slightly louder and quicker. A clear sign that Eve was losing her patience.

"Alright that's fair. I c-can understand w-why you wouldn't want to talk to me" she said, as she tried to quietly use her computer to send a request for aid. This time Eve snorted in disapproval.

"Eve. How about we make a deal?" she asked as she hit send on her request and instead began trying to pull up the security feed to get eyes on the assailant. Eve snarled at the idea. Her agitation became increasingly audible in her breathing.

"Fair enough. I can understand why you would be opposed to that considering how the last deal we made worked out for you. How about a trade instead then? In exchange for my life I'll gladly release Adam and the two of you can- HOLY SHIT!" she suddenly screamed as she successfully pulled up the security feed. However as soon as she did she was greeted with nothing but the image of Eve's eyes taking up the entire screen. They were bloodshot, red and crazed and they seemed to be staring right at her through the screen. Not only that but when she cried out in fear they seemed to light up with excitement too and a small, sickening, bloodthirsty chuckle could be heard through the phone. Miss Flueric composed herself and took a deep breath. Knowing she was running out of options.

"So how about it? You get what you came for, my work goes up in flames and I'll have to answer for my crimes" she pleaded while trying to maintain a sense of control in her voice, knowing she had none in this situation. Yet again, Eve gave no response. Her eyes didn't budge. She simply stared and kept breathing down the phone. At this point Miss Flueric lost the composure she'd managed to gain.

"Answer me! Say something! I could kill Adam before you ever get to him if you would prefer!?" she screamed and immediately regretted it as she saw the rage fill Eve's eyes.

"RAAAHHHHH!" Eve screamed as the feed from the camera suddenly cut, leaving nothing but static. However Miss Flueric could still hear her breathing down the phone. Much heavier now and more frantic than before. She racked her brain for a solution.

"I-I-I'm sorry Eve. I-I d-didn't mean that" she stuttered. A grunt was her only reply. That's when she heard a glimmer of hope. The unmistakable sound of security confronting Eve.

"There she is! Open fire!" one of them ordered. Miss Flueric was on the edge of her seat as she listened to the ensuing conflict. Eve's blood curdling battle cries, bullets being fired, the unmistakable sound of guards screaming as she struck them down. One by one she listened as her security was cut down. The sounds of screams becoming louder as the sound of gunshots grew ever quieter until she heard them all beg for their lives. A mercy that Eve did not grant. Miss Flueric heard everything as they all screamed and begged as their blood was drained from their bodies until silence fell. For a moment, the silence held. For a moment, Miss Flueric wondered if Eve had been wounded in the fight and had succumbed to her injuries. For a moment she felt a glimmer of hope that she might actually survive this ordeal after all. However that's all it was. A moment of hope. As the unmistakable sound of Eve's breathing returned, snuffing out the relief Miss Flueric almost allowed herself to feel.

"Eve. Listen to me. I didn't send them. They were just doing their jobs. Please. Take Adam and walk away. Nobody else needs to get hurt. Nobody else needs to die. Nobody else needs to suffer. I will personally make sure neither of you are found and the two of you can live out the rest of your lives in peace. I know what we did to the two of you was unforgivable and you have suffered immensely but please just take Adam and-" she began to sob as she knew she was making a futile attempt at begging for her life. Just as her security had a moment ago.

"Fine. I get it. You want your vengeance so badly? Huh? You fucking bitch! Come and get me then! Why couldn't you just take Adam and fuck off!?" she screamed in defiance as she knew Eve was coming for her no matter what. Silence again. There was a long pause though as the breathing also stopped. Eve was clearly debating what she wanted to say. Miss Flueric waited impatiently as adrenaline coursed through her trembling body, tears dripping off her face and down onto the desk that the phone was still rested on. Just when she thought her assailant was about to speak she heard the worst sound imaginable to her. The sound of the phone being hung up. Eve was done listening and was on her way.

"Eve?" she asked knowing she couldn't be heard anymore. She slumped back in her chair and wept.

"FUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!" she wailed as she fell out of the chair and onto her knees before vomiting on the carpet. That's when she heard it. The elevator. She quickly snapped to her senses and opened the drawer nearest to her and took out a revolver, desperately trying to load it as her hands shook uncontrollably. The whole time she watched as the monitor showed the elevator rising up to her office knowing full well who awaited her inside of it.

"Shit!" she screamed as she dropped a bullet on the floor. Eve was mere seconds away from being in the same room. She hastily managed to load the bullet and aimed it towards the elevator doors as it pinged to signify the arrival of her end. She wiped the tears and sweat from her eyes before taking one last deep breath as the doors began to open. Miss Flueric's eyes met with Eve's as she gasped in fear before committing her final act and pulled the trigger...

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