Chapter 12: There she goes

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Everything was not alright.

Thousands of miles from Deku and Uraraka, a villain from their past was about to make their move.

A new state of the art prison had been constructed in the middle of the Antarctic. It was designed for some of the most dangerous villains in the world. Even if they were to somehow escape their cell they would have to find the equipment to survive the elements. They would then need to steal a prison transport to escape the frozen land except they had no navigation systems. Only central command did and they used GPS to guide transports in and out of the facility. So without someone to stay behind and guide them they'd be lost. They'd then have to sneak onto the ship that ferries prisoners from the Antarctic to the mainland and vice versa. However, one villain in particular had a special set of skills and was about to do just that.

"Hey!" the guard yelled as he slammed his baton against the laser wall, triggering a rippling effect. It did however almost knock the guard off of his feet as his baton simply bounced off of it and the wall hissed and sizzled at the disturbance. Inside the cell was a prisoner, all cooped up in the corner and shivering away. The cells used the elements to contain it's prisoners. All the walls were made of nothing but solid ice. The cell had a bed, a few hidden heaters to keep them warm enough to survive but still freezing cold, a working toilet and that was pretty much it. The only time they left their cells was to shower. Always with the promise of hot water. Yet it was always cold.

"Quit yer yabbering!" the guard warned as the prisoner continued to shiver in the corner and mumble to themselves. The prisoner was in a large winter coat that basically covered their whole body and hid the overalls they had on underneath but not the thick winter boots on their feet. They headed their warning and soon stopped mumbling and hummed instead. Knowing full well a beating was coming otherwise. The guard considered it for a second but then decided against it. He couldn't be bothered to go into the freezing cold. On his side of the wall was a state of the art facility that was heated and had actual walls instead of solid ice.

"Pft. Freak" the guard said as he sheathed his baton and twiddled the ends of his mustache. As he was walking away though, the prisoner continued mumbling again. A clear effort to taunt him and mock his authority.

"Hey! I said shut it!" the guard yelled as he took his baton back out. The mumbling got louder. He couldn't yet hear what they were saying but it took him a moment to realise they were actually singing to themselves.

"Shut your goddamn mouth! It's bad enough that it won't be daytime for another 3 months! So shut the hell up or I'll make you shutup!" the guard threatened. The prisoner went silent. For a moment the guard thought he'd win and smirked. However the prisoner then rose to their feet.

"Silent night..." they began as they slowly unzipped their winter coat, suddenly no longer seeming concerned about the freezing cold conditions.

"Hey, you keep that on! You'll freeze to death if you don't!" the guard warned all of the sudden concerned for the prisoner's life. Only because it would mean he'd lose his job.

"Deadly night..." the prisoner continued as the zipper reached the end and the coat opened up.

"That's it! You're going in the ice tray!" the guard threatened. The ice tray was this prison's version of solitary and was at even colder temperatures than the cells were, without the help of heaters to keep them somewhat warm there'd been a few prisoners who almost did freeze to death before being thrown back in their cell at the earliest convenience. He double tapped the watch on his wrist and his uniform began to heat itself. He waited patiently for it to warm up so he could safely enter the sub zero temperatures of the cell.

"You're all dead...walls covered in red..." the prisoner continued as they lowered the hood of their coat, revealing a completely shaved head.

"They will be in a minute when I'm done beating the ever loving crap out of you!" the guard threatened as he approached the console that controlled the cell. He turned off the heaters so that it would be even colder and then he hovered his hand over the button that would drop the laser wall that was keeping the prisoner trapped.

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