Chapter 3: Na-na, why don't you get a job?

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A month had passed since Uraraka and Deku had finished their time at UA. Both they and their friends were trying their best to get employed at a hero agency. Obviously for Todoroki and Iida it was very easy, both of them working at their families' agency. Yaoyorozu was also able to find work pretty quickly coming from such a wealthy family. Deku and Uraraka had two very different problems entirely though. By now it was public knowledge that Uraraka was pregnant and even though it was only a few weeks in, most agencies wouldn't hire her because of it. Not to mention that her pregnancy would come up on her medical exam so anybody that didn't know about her pregnancy would find out very quickly, resulting in her being turned away. It made sense too since most companies didn't allow maternity leave until after a year's worth of service meaning Uraraka wouldn't be entitled to it even if she did get a job.

"Ok. Thanks for calling me back" Uraraka said before hanging up the phone.

"Ugh! This sucks. I should've known nobody would want a pregnant woman. I suppose none of them want that on their record if I'm killed in action. Looks bad for business. How are you getting along?" she asked turning to Deku who was sat at the table looking over all the different contracts in his mother's apartment.

"I'm so lost. These are going to take forever to read over" Deku whined. He had the complete opposite issue to Uraraka. EVERY hero agency wanted Deku's signature. On the table in front of him was contract after contract after contract. The world knew who he was and how powerful he was and most people had already labelled him as the next All Might a long time ago. So, naturally every hero agency wanted to have the next All Might signed to them. Bigger deals, more merchandise opportunities, bigger contracts, attract the best and most powerful heroes etc. but Deku simply didn't know which one to pick.

"Yeah it must suck having all these companies lining up to offer you six figure deals" Uraraka said walking over to him and scanning the contracts noticing some of the offers he was being given money wise.

"Sorry. I take it that was another no" Deku said wanting to distract himself from his own problem.

"Yeah. They're all very quick to congratulate me that I'm pregnant though so that's great. But it doesn't pay the bills" Uraraka moaned sitting in the chair next to Deku and slumping in it. Deku didn't know what to say. He could tell her it would be ok or that somebody would hire her but he didn't want to sound like a hypocrite since he knew she wanted the money for her parents and here he was with ludicrously big deals that Uraraka would jump at the chance to have but he was sat here complaining over which one he wanted to choose. It wasn't fair and it made him feel slightly guilty that he had everything she wanted.

"How are you getting on? Made up your mind about which one you want to sign for?" Uraraka asked picking up one of the contracts and skimming over it.

"Not really. They all offer so many different advantages. And even then it depends what I want to do. It feels wrong of me to sign for a top agency when I haven't been a pro hero for all that long so I could work my way up. Then again, working with the best of the best would mean I'd get the best training and I'd be working with the best heroes, pushing and testing my abilities every day" Deku said pondering over all the different outcomes, possibilities, advantages, heroes he'd work with and so on. Uraraka smiled.

"What?" Deku asked noticing her smile.

"Nothing. Just you being you. It's cute" she said making him blush a little. She chuckled at his embarrassed reaction before picking up a different contract.

"This one looks good" she said skimming through it.

"Yeah I thought so too. That one is from Endeavour's agency. It's a great offer and I'd get to work with some of the best heroes and-" Deku tried to begin explaining all the pros and cons of the contract and working for that agency but Uraraka cut him off.

"Take it" she said. Deku looked completely bewildered.

"Sorry?" he asked not quite sure how to react.

"Take it. Sign to Endeavour's agency" Uraraka said although this time it felt like more of a demand than a suggestion or helpful advice. Deku simply blinked a few times.

"Why? I need to consider-" Deku tried to explain once again. He wanted to tell her how he needed to really consider the advantages and disadvantages of each agency that had put an offer down for him but once again she cut him off.

"Deku if you really take the time to consider all the possibilities and advantages and disadvantages and so on then the baby will be born before you make a decision. This one suits you perfectly. Good money, great opportunities, working with the best heroes including Endeavour the current world number one as well as Todoroki who is a shoe-in for top three once his career really gets going. It makes complete and total sense for you to take this deal. Besides I've got a really good feeling about this one" Uraraka said sliding the paperwork over the table to Deku who picked up and started reading through the contract. Uraraka waited for a few minutes until finally Deku had read through the entirety of the contract and he put it down on the table.

"Did you really have to read the whole thing?" Uraraka asked.

"Yes. Always read the fine print Ochako" he said but he didn't look at her. He was staring at the paperwork still, weighing up his options.

"Well?" Uraraka asked. Deku finally looked up and made eye contact with her. She awaited an answer eagerly as Deku mulled over the contract in his head.

"I'll think about it" he replied as an idea had clicked in his head.

"Uggghhh. Looking for a job sucks" Uraraka whined, slumping in her chair. However she didn't notice the smile on Deku's face. It would take some time for him to execute his plan but first he needed to call Todoroki. Hopefully a second opinion would help him make up his mind over whether or not he'd take that contract and finally make up his mind.

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