Chapter 18: First scan

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"So you just walked into a bar full of criminals, that was ran by a known criminal, asked for a glass of water that you didn't watch him pour and then drank it? Without any thought as to what he might have put in it?" Uraraka asked in utter disbelief. Deku sighed.

"Well the owner was actually Himiko in disguise but yeah that sums it up" he said almost defeated as he slumped back in his chair and winced ever so slightly at the pain in his shoulder. His incident with Himiko had only taken place 7 hours ago. He hadn't eaten anything for at least 12 hours and he hadn't slept in roughly 30 hours. To say he was exhausted would be an understatement.

"Riiiight. I just can't believe that you, the guy who is known for his strategy and intelligence, did something so stupid" Uraraka said shaking her head. She was completely bewildered by his lack of awareness to realise that he might be drugged when drinking a drink that a criminal had given him.

"Gee thanks" Deku replied rather sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I don't know what word to use. It was stupid Deku. For your standards at least. Is something going on with you? Something stressing you out and distracting you maybe?" she asked out of concern. That sort of mistake was very out of character for him. Deku's head was resting against the wall as he looked towards the ceiling. However he tilted it to look at Uraraka, raised an eyebrow and then eyed her ever so slight bump. Uraraka realised what he was looking at and chuckled a little bit.

"Right now could I forget the literal human being I'm carrying around in my stomach" Uraraka joked. Deku raised an eyebrow again.

"You know it's not growing in your stomach right? It's actually-" he began but she cut him off.

"Sweetie. I was clearly joking. I know it doesn't grow in my stomach" she pointed out. Deku simply mouthed "oh" and went back to resting his head.

"You can go home if you want. Get some sleep. Endeavour already gave you the next 3 days off. I'll be fine on my own" she offered. He looked well and truly beat. Like he could just fall asleep on the spot. If she didn't keep him awake he might very well do just that.

"No. I promised I'd be here and I'm not missing our first scan" Deku said as he didn't move and kept his eyes shut the whole time. If Uraraka didn't know any better she'd think she was having a conversation with him in his sleep.

"Well you at least need some food your stomach hasn't stopped growling this whole time" Uraraka insisted as she stood up from her seat and walked over to the vending machine. Deku opened one eye to watch as she put some money into the machine and then selected some food for him. He couldn't help but smile. Such a small thing but even still it made him appreciate how lucky he was to have a woman like Uraraka. The little things are what really make the relationship.

"Thanks" he said as she returned with an armful of snacks and a bottle of water. Deku immediately tucked in. It was only now that he'd begun to eat that he truly realised how starving hungry he was.

"So, what's really bothering you?" she asked. Deku realised exactly what she'd done. Softened him up first so he'd be more willing to talk. In truth he was entirely willing to tell her what it was. He was just so tired. Embarrassed. Hungry. In pain. He really didn't want to talk about it right now. He wasn't in the right state of mind. However Urakaka was waiting for an answer and he intended to keep his promise to her. Deku looked at her as she smiled and waited patiently which made him smile too as he swallowed his food. Then he braced himself as the smile quickly faded.

"It's probably nothing" Deku said trying to play it down.

"It wouldn't be bothering you if it was nothing" Urakaka pointed out. Deku took a deep breath. As usual she was right.

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