Chapter 13: School run

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"I don't wanna go to school" Eri moaned as she pouted and refused to walk any further. Uraraka shook her head but she smiled still.

She's so cute when she's grumpy.

"Eri we talked about this" Uraraka said as she remained patient and squatted down to Eri's level.

"Go to school or I'll make you float and drag you there anyway is not what I call talking about it!" Eri protested and with the perfect amount of attitude stomped her foot on the ground.

She's got me on that one.

"Ok. So why don't you want to go to school?" Uraraka asked as she tried to inch in a little closer but Eri stepped back.

"I just don't wanna" Eri continued to protest.

"I've already told you. If you can't give me an actual reason then you have to go to school. "I don't want to" is not a reason Eri. If me and Deku only trained when we felt like it then we would be pretty fat at this point and then we wouldn't be able to do our jobs" Uraraka explained. Eri went very quiet. The young girl stood there for a second thinking about what Uraraka had just said.

"Look, you're not going to feel motivated all the time Eri. What's important is that you are disciplined enough to still do the things you need to do even when you don't feel like doing it. That's what makes the difference between you and everybody else" Uraraka continued. Eri's little tantrum seemed to be fading away. For a moment Uraraka thought she'd done it and had managed to sway the young girl. However her tantrum was replaced with a look of genuine sadness.

"Talk to me Eri. What's the issue?" she asked. Eri swayed her arms around in circles and rocked side to side as she considered whether she should say anything or not.

"I miss UA. And Mr Aizawa. All of your old school friends too. They were all part of our family" Eri said as her head dropped, staring directly at the floor.

"Oh Eri you sweet girl" Uraraka said as she held her arms out to offer a hug. Eri accepted and strolled into Uraraka's embrace.

"I miss them too but you still see Mr Aizawa for your quirk training" Uraraka pointed out.

"I know that. It's not enough though. I miss training with him every day and learning from him and- *gasp* look out!" Eri cried all of the sudden. Uraraka didn't even take the time to turn and see what the threat was. She simply pushed Eri away to make sure she wasn't in harm's way. As soon as she was able to get up and turn around though her attacker had already taken a stab at her with their knife. Uraraka side stepped it and grabbed her attackers arm before using their momentum to twist and throw them over her shoulder, slamming them into the ground. Once again making full use of her martial arts training. If it wasn't for Eri's warning then she would've never managed to react in time. She'd likely have had the knife deep into her back before she even knew that she was under attack. However that's when she noticed that she was bleeding. Her arm was cut so she didn't manage to completely evade being caught by the knife. Not that she could feel it as adrenaline was racing through her body.

"Run, now!" Uraraka ordered Eri and the young girl didn't hesitate to follow Uraraka's orders.

"Is that Uravity?" somebody nearby said as everybody had clearly stopped to see what the commotion was about. They were just across the street from Eri's school.

Great. Now all the other parents and teachers get to see me fight a criminal. This won't make parents evenings awkward at all.

"Yes I am! Somebody call the police! Get inside the school with your children you'll be safe there!" Uraraka barked at the spectators to make sure that the area was clear. She didn't know who or what she was up against so she needed the area to be safe in case this fight escalated before help arrived.

"Eri! Come with me! I'll keep her safe!" a woman yelled who came running from the school. She was one of the teachers and had come to see what the commotion was about. As soon as she saw what was going on and Eri running towards the school she came to offer her help and reassure Uraraka that Eri would be safe whilst she worked.

"Ugh. How did she tell it was me?" Uraraka's attacker said as they suddenly began to stir from being slammed into the ground. Uraraka recognised that voice all too well though and her eyes widened in shock.

"You. But how did you- AH!" Uraraka cried out in pain as her attacker suddenly stabbed her foot whilst she was talking, giving them the chance to rise to their feet. As soon as they did they took another swipe at her. Uraraka was slightly stunned from the sudden attack and quickly leaned back. The blade still caught her but if she didn't react she would've been killed as it made a very faint cut across her neck. The attack continued but Uraraka was on alert now and quickly collected herself. The knife came from above this time and Uraraka raised one hand to grab the attacker's wrist. Any later and the blade would have penetrated her shoulder. Using her other hand she grabbed her attacker by the throat, made them float and then slammed them back into the ground with much more force than before. As soon as she did she disarmed them by twisting their arm so that they dropped the knife. It was at this point that Uraraka finally got a good look at the assailant. He was a young man, not much older than her. Black hair, blue eyes, plenty of stubble on his face. However Uraraka knew better. This wasn't a man at all. The voice she had heard from before could've belonged to one person and one person only. Especially with the way they moved and wielded that knife. Uraraka's blood was starting to stream down her arm and also drip from her neck and as it did some of it fell onto the attacker. Who simply stuck their tongue out and caught it, causing them to have a sickening smile across their face.

"Mmm. Just as tasty as I remember" the man said. It wasn't a man's voice though. It was a woman's. Uraraka only knew one woman who acted and talked like this as the rage began to burn through her entire body. Her eyebrows furrowed, her expression was now of pure fury as she considered ending the woman's life here and now with her grip tightening around her neck.

"I knew it was you. Himiko Toga..."

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