Chapter 2: Mr & Mrs Uraraka's reaction

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Uraraka had been home for a few weeks. She'd spent most of that time sat in her room, on the phone to her friends or Deku. And after how it went when Deku told Inko about her being pregnant she hadn't told her own parents.

"Ochako you're going to have to tell them eventually" Deku said through her phone. The two of them were currently face-timing each other with Deku sat in bed, playing with his mother's pet cat and Uraraka snuggled up with Satoshi. Being a dog, he could tell that she was pregnant so he'd been very affectionate towards her and had pretty much followed her everywhere she went since they got home.

"I know. You do realise that if I tell them they'll be mad at you and not me" she pointed out. There was no way to know for sure but she was her parents' little girl. So if some boy knocked her up then he'd be the one to face the fire and she'd get nothing but support.

"Well mom seems to be calming down now. I can tell she's still furious with me but I think she just really wants to see you and she's struggling to keep a secret from your mom and dad" Deku explained. Inko had eased off on Deku recently but she was still a very angry mother. The one thing she'd told him not to do, he'd done. Typical teenager.

"Look I'll tell mom and dad when I'm ready, just let me do it my way" Uraraka said continuing to put it off.

"Tell us what dear?" was all she heard from her bedroom doorway. She jumped and spun around to see both her mother and father stood in the doorway looking very curious and intrigued as to what she wanted to tell them.

"Oh- um- it's-...shit" Uraraka cursed herself under her breath hoping her parents wouldn't hear but they did.

"Language, young lady" her father said.

"Sorry dad" she said apologising for her choice of words.

"Oh hello Midoriya" Mrs Uraraka said noticing the unmistakable green hair on her daughter's phone.

"Hi! I think Ochako has something she needs to tell you guys so I should probably go" Deku said causing Uraraka to glare at him through the phone.

That cheeky little-...I'll get you back for this mister.

"Well ok Midoriya. Hopefully we'll see you soon. Tell Eri we said hi" Mr Uraraka said waving to Deku.

"Will do. Bye!" Deku exclaimed waving back to them as he ended the call, leaving Uraraka in a very awkward position.

"So..." Uraraka said but she didn't quite know how to follow it up. How did she tell her parents that she'd gotten pregnant before her career had even started or before she'd even turned twenty.

"So? What is it you wanted to tell us?" her father asked, sitting down at the end of her bed. Uraraka avoiding any and all eye contact.

"From what I can tell it's clearly very important" her mother said sitting on the other side of her.

Great. They're surrounding me. Classic intimidation tactics.

"You could say that" was all she could manage to say. Part of her wishes that she could just run away and never tell them until the baby was here. Part of her wanted to tell them desperately as she wanted their support and she wanted to know that her parents didn't have any hard feelings about it. Which she knew they would at first but she knew they also loved her very much.

"Hey kiddo. Look at me" her father said prompting her to finally make eye contact with her father. His smile reassured her that everything was going to be ok.

"We're your parents. You can tell us anything" he said placing a comforting hand on her knee and giving it a gentle squeeze. Uraraka smiled and took a deep breath, finally getting the nerve to say what she wanted to say.

Izuku x Ochako fanfic "Parents To Be" Where stories live. Discover now