Chapter 17: Kill of the night

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"Alright boys last orders!" the barman called out as a few of his customers groaned in protest. The bar was in dire need of refurbishment. There were stains everywhere of varying liquids including: blood, alcohol and urine. The walls looked like they could collapse at any moment and most of the table and chairs had been used in brawls so cheap replacements had been bought in the likely event that more brawls occured. Everybody who drank at this bar was a known criminal too. Including the barman. However for the moment the mood within the place was a good one. Everyone was drinking, laughing and singing along to the songs being played on the jukebox. The barman himself was a very ordinary looking man with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry fellas I gotta close early tonight. Trust me it's for your benefit" he said. However before anybody could do anything further the door suddenly swung open. Everything stopped. The music, the singing, the laughing all stopped.

Hm. Feels like I just walked into a saloon in the wild west.

"Sorry bud we're just closing up" the barman said to the figure who was now stood in the doorway. It finally broke the silence which had an insane level of tension to it. The figure walked into the establishment yet not one of it's customers took their eyes off of them.

"Fucking heroes" one of them murmured and spat at his feet to show his disgust. The hero kept walking though. Approaching the bar.

"Get out of here, hero scum!" another yelled out. A few of them cheered and jeered in support of him. However the hero stopped dead and side-eyed the man. Pure fear went through him and he sat back down returning the crowd to their silence.

"Hey kid. Are ya deaf? I said we're closing" the barman repeated. However they simply approached the bar and leaned against it.

"That's ok. I'm not here for a drink. I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions about Himiko Toga" Deku said as he still felt everybody's gaze on him. He knew what he'd walked into though. He'd been scoping the place out for the last week.

"Look kid. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. You see my customers here aren't exactly fans of...your kind. So either you leave or I let them fuck you up" the barman threatened as he leaned on the bar too so that he was face to face with Deku as the two of them stared each other down.

"You know who I am right?" Deku asked. The booing, hissing, jeering, spitting and groaning from everybody else in the bar told Deku all he needed to know.

"Yeah. We know who you are" the barman said not breaking eye contact for a second.

"Then you know I could barely lift a finger and beat everybody in this bar and level this building simultaneously because my quirk is just that powerful" Deku threatened. The barman gulped and suddenly the bravado within the establishment faded.

"You wouldn't" he said attempting to call Deku's bluff. Deku didn't answer at first. He simply smiled.

"You know maybe I will have a drink. I'll have a glass of water please" Deku requested. Immediately everybody burst into laughter. To them it was a ridiculous notion for a man to order water in a bar. Deku and the barman didn't laugh at all though. Deku's smile didn't fade either. He just sat patiently, waiting for his water.

"Everybody out" the barman ordered. Murmurs and groans was all he got in response.

"Come on you can't be serious he's just one punk we can-" one of them began but the barman wasn't having any of it.

"None of you have quirks and this kid has one of the most powerful quirks there's ever been! So, get out! Now!" he demanded once again. There was nothing but silence for a few seconds until seemingly all of them came to the same conclusion. In near unison everybody stood up and made their way to the exits. There was plenty of groaning and mumbling as none of them were happy to be kicked out of the establishment early. It didn't take long though for it to just be Deku and the owner to be the only ones left in the bar. Neither of them had broken eye contact the whole time.

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