Chapter 16: Detective Deku

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"Any idea why Endeavour is here?" one officer asked to the other. The two of them were stood at the door of an apartment. Standing guard for a crime scene.

"I heard he wanted to have a look at this one himself" she replied. The two of them stood in awkward silence for a moment.

"So I'm guessing this one is a big deal" he said trying to break the tension. It wasn't exactly the most entertaining job standing in a doorway.

"Look man it's not our job to ask questions. We've been asked to watch the door so let's just follow orders and not stick our noses where they don't belong" she replied as she really didn't want to get into trouble for interfering with Endeavour's business. He was the last person you would want to piss off. At that moment the elevator dinged. The two of them watched as the door began to open. To their surprise, Deku emerged.

"Excuse me officers. Endeavour asked me to come here" Deku informed them as he approached. They exchanged a look before both coming to the same conclusion.

"Go right ahead sir" the male officer said as they parted to allow Deku to enter the apartment. Again, not somebody they wanted to piss off.

"Endeavour. What's going on? Isn't it the detective's job to investigate crime scenes?" Deku asked as he saw the hero standing in the doorway to the living room. Endeavour turned to see Deku approaching.

"Yes, it is. I wanted to see this one for myself" he replied as Deku continued to walk towards him.

"Why?" Deku enquired. That's when Endeavour placed a hand on Deku's shoulder to stop him in his tracks.

"A hunch. I must warn you young man. It's a very gruesome scene in there. Not something you'll ever forget" Endeavour warned the young hero. Deku looked into his eyes and saw...nothing. Endeavour either didn't care about what he'd seen in there or more likely he was just numb to it. That or he had a very good poker face.

"You realise some of the things I've been through right? Some of the things I've seen?" Deku reminded him. Endeavour removed his hand and sighed.

"Not like this" he said as he finally stood to the side to reveal the scene. Deku gasped as soon as he saw what was before him.

"This is..." Deku didn't know what the right word was.

"Sick. Evil. Vile. Take your pick" Endeavour said as he allowed the young hero to take a moment to compose himself. Before them was a fairly standard living room with a sofa and TV and not much of anything else in all honesty. However what set this apart from a normal living room was the blood. It was everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. The walls, ceiling, floor, furniture, all of it had literally been painted red with blood.

"Does the human body even have that much blood in it?" Deku asked in disbelief. Endeavour shook his head.

"No. It's more than one person's. Forensics are doing what they can but there's so much contamination and different people's DNA that it's taking time to get accurate matches" Endeavour explained. Deku coughed as he suddenly noticed the stench in the air.

"How can you breath right now?" Deku asked as he noticed the world number 1 didn't seem phased. Not in the slightest.

"You get used to it" was all he got in response. Again, not a flicker of emotion or bother on his face. Deku took a moment to consider how depressing that statement was and questioned how much of his career would be spent dealing with gruesome cases like this. However he quickly reminded himself he had a job to do and got back to it.

"The bodies?" Deku asked noticing a lack of them.

"Body" Endeavour corrected him. Deku was confused.

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