after the rebirth

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Miya opened her eyes and saw a beautiful female with a crystal like blue eyes with the same colour of hair, she looked like a goddess, sure she had never seen one she was sure that the person in front of her should not be any less then a goddess.
The goddess looked Miya with tears in her eyes and said
"Child mother is so sorry that she can't protect you and our family, this all happened because of my carelessness, I'm so sorry, I hope I could change all of this but, it all happen. My child you will be a very beautiful girl when u grow up I wish I could see that. No matter whatever happens u will always be my child and u should always know that u are special, not completely like me but close to me.Child please grow up happily away from fear of unknown danger. I am sorry but to protect you I will have to live you here please child forgive your useless mother who can't even protect you and is forced to live you here ".
It broke the heart of Miya that she just got a mother and she will have to live away from her mother after today yet she did not cry but smiled sadly.
She remembered the goddess she saw she was Ah Yin the blue silver empress, tang san's mother, then it hit her, she saw that there was another child beside her their and he was tang San.
She didn't knew what was actually going on but she was sure she was being left alone to protect her from being hunted down just as her mother.
Ah yin said again "my daughter meet your older bother, I hope one day we will all be together again, be sure to live without the fear of being hunted down. "And then she left.
I now realized that I was like my mother a soul beast not one hundred thousand year beast but a little different but I could be in danger if others with higher level see me now it will be a problem for everyone and I never wanted that to happen. I knew this is the reason I felt something missing when I was reading this book it was actually me who was missing in it. And I was sure my dad (Tang Hao) has no idea about it. But then it was good to after all I can help them secretly in future so they can reunite. And then I felt tired and went into dreamland, you know babies don't have much energy.

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