Chapter 18 Journey around the continent last part(Gengxin city)

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Miya woke up and found herself in the same room with the statue of Ice Goddess ,she sat up and looked for any injuries on her body, there was no pain just as she was confused she heard a voice

"My child you have proven yourself worthy enough, I am surprised to see that you have the purest soul without a tiny bit of evilness, I was happy to pass you my throne of ice goddess but I have found that in your heart there are many emotions which are the main qualities of a human, I thought that maybe just as you look, your heart must be of ice but I found, you are like snow that gives people a sense of hope, happiness and harmony.

That's why I have decided to give you my last divine power and hope to merge with your sword, Ice Crystal Sword that will change into, Snow Crystal Goddess Sword, which will contain my abilities and my soul. Thus becoming your 6 th ring of your martial spirit ,hope you remain as pure forever and become a Snow Goddess/Fairy"

Miya released her second spirit Sword Hammer Spear and 6 th ring formed above it which was golden ring ,2,000,000years . This is how Miya
had all the 6 rings in her spirits at the same time 1 year has passed since she came here, the reward which she got this time was a random which she let it be .

The next destination of Miya was Gengxin city, the home of blacksmiths and city of metals.

It took Miya a month to come in this city, after arriving here, Miya worked as a blacksmith in three different shops in three different shop and at three different time.

6 months passed by

In these 6 months Miya earned a lot about 32,000 gold coins, the shop owners also praised her for her work, she worked as a blacksmith and as a host both which helped her more. She also brought almost all the rare metals ,from all around the city which she found useful, and now was her time to finally go around the continent participating in great spirit arena .

Miya travelled around various cities and participated in individual fights , leapfrog fights and death matches , she used different identity to fight in the same arena every single day, she placed bet on herself and always won she would lose to others knowingly because at that time she would have made her bet on the other person.

She never stayed at a city more then a week and would leave the place before her identity is exposed.

She has practiced with her spear ,sword and hammer. She got a device when she came to Gengxin city , which can hide her spirit rings age according to her setting it.
6 months passed
She travelled from city to city, even from one empire to another. She finally arrived at Star Duo empire. The same routine of her participating in Spirit Arena was going on.

One fine day she met a girl of age 10-11 years was running in a forest trying to defend herself against the assassins. Miya decided to help the girl problem was, how because she didn't like fighting unesscessarly but she has to save this poor girl. Finally she took possessin of her Charm Supreme lotus and used her 5 th ring Supreme Teleport Lotus and arrived near the girl, took her hand and used her teleport ability again and arrived near a rundown cottage and let go her.

Miya said to the girl without turning towards her "You can stay here for sometime, I think they will not follow you for a period of time but I think you should cultivate harder not to be killed or you can go to Heaven Duo Empire they will not try to kill you there, take this ,take care "and disappeared not before throwing a bag with gold coins towards the girl.

The girl turned to only see the unknown boy has already left, she felt thankful towards him and there was a warm smile in the cold face of the girl.

Miya continued her journey, went to each Fighting Arena around both the empires, collected many treasures which looked like a pile of junks in local markets.

Soon a year passed,in these years she earned not less then 42 million gold coins and once she nearly exposed herself where she has to use her 5 th ability Teleport for a long time to finally get out of the situation.

Miya arrived before the Ice Fire and yin yang well and found Dugu Bo looking towards the well with a said look.

"Old poison what's going on why are you unhappy? "asked Miya sitting next to him.
"Oh Prince Feng you came, I heard that you were nearly killed this time,be careful next time and how are you? "asked Dugu No.

"I am fine ,I will be careful next time"
Miya answered and took out 3 potions and a weird looking iron like thing and threw it to him and said" see if it is useful for you"

Dugu Bo found the potions have high spirit energy and the iron was a soul bone of 5000 years.

Without letting him speak Miya said " Use the green potion when your condition is cured,it will increase the poison and toxicity of it in your attacks , the transparent potion is for increasing life span use it after you are cured,the yellow one you can start using it from today remember take only three drops daily ,the use you will know in future. The soul bone was not difficult to buy, a random vendor was selling it between a pile of junks give it to your grand daughter after she is cured "

Dugu Bo kept them away and asked "So what now, what are you doing next "

"I am going back to see how they are doing it has been 5 long years, I hope they are well, don't worry old poison next time you see me I will be with him, Don't worry he will cure you if you scare him a little, but remember I remind you only a little"Miya told him while standing and advised him"Take care of little ones, and yeah remember he is very cunning, so before he asks about herbs only say that he can only take 15 not less then that ,okay bye take care "

Dugu Bo looked towards the exit and said to himself "Stay safe Ah Feng ,let's see how I teach that brat when he comes here "

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