chapter 1 life of Miya before the beginning of the story

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Next day, when Miya woke up she knew the things that has happened  but she knew what happened  was supposed  to happen even if she wanted to change anything  she couldn't  do it.
Now she has to figure out what she is suppose  to do, train hard to help her brother and father even if it is in dark she will help them but she knew she could never tell anyone  about her real identity  she knew that her mother was trying to protect  her more then her elder brother, it is not because she didn't  love her brother but because  she knew father could protect  him but will not be able to protect  her even in the expense of his life.
Now what she has to do is to find her identity  and the ways to protect  herself and not to be a burden to her family.
She looked around and found that she is in a cave near a forest, she started mediating as she used to do in her previous life  in her free time to relieve  stress but here she was trying to connect with herself to know what she is or whether she has someone or something that could help  her grow at least for a couple of years as she is helpless now.
Suddenly  she heard a sound she knew it's kind of mechanical  sound like the starting a software then she saw something,


Host -miya( previous name) present name -not named
Age -1day
Spirt soul-not awaken
Soul power -0
Abilities - athlete, nerd, hard worker
Soul technique  -mediation

Oh I have a system!she thought.
But what might be it's function?she has basically no clue about it.
Now she felt she was hungry and could not do anything about it
But when she looked around she found that something  was shining brightly  just a hand away from her when she touched it she vanished from there.

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