Chapter 24 Miya meets Sherk Devils in her real form

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When all looked at the huge creature, Tang San said "It is 100,000 year old Titan Ape, its strength is comparable to title duoduo,we are not its opponents "

Zhao wuji came forward and said "Lord the king of forest ,we are sorry that we are in your territory we will immediately leave now "

But who would have thought the Titan Ape didn't payed any attention to him but stretched his hand towards Xiao wu standing at the end of the group.

Everyone forgot what Ah Feng has told them about not attacking the big guy. Everyone opened their spirit rings and Rongrong supported Zhao wuji who attacked the Titan Ape.

Titan Ape was very angry seeing a little spirit saint attacking him. So he also threw a palm towards them.

Miya knew the case has turned serious and immediately released her 3rd martial spirit Charm supreme lotus and said loudly "3rd spirit ability, barrier lotus "and immediately two barrier was formed ,one before Titan Ape to resist the attack and another before the team to resist the attack coming from the other side.

Everyone was shocked to see Ah Feng had 3 spirit rings, but suddenly he flew away because he suffered 70 percent of the damage from the Titan Ape 's attack .

Others wanted to go help him but then, they thought that resisting the other is more important and they cannot bear to distract now.

The same happened Tang San was injured and Xiaowu was taken away. The Titan Ape caught Xiaowu and ran away and at the same time Tang San tried to get close to Titan Ape but was slapped by him just when he was about to fall in the ground a shadow flashed ,and caught him.

Seeing the real face of the shadow everyone's jaw dropped.

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The girl was simply at the level of goddess, seeing her even the girls were attracted to her.
The figure was no other then Ah Feng or Miya.
Miya gently placed the fainted Tang San in the grass and then activated her Heaven Blue Silver Empress spirit ,with 6 spirit rings, 2 yellow, 2 purple, 2 black shining brightly.

Miya muttered "1st ability ,heaven blue silver web, 3rd ability ,Heaven blue silver heal "
Web has bounded everyone and healed everyone.

Zhao wuji walked forward to thank her but heard "I will help you get back the guy and that girl, but take care of this little guy here, he will turn crazy if he does anything without thinking about consequences regarding his choice " and disappeared.

Zhao wuji and the others came to Tang San who was about to woke up from his coma. They told him what had happened and the other party has promised to help him.

When Tang San woke up he felt the familiar fragrance around him but this time the fragrance was not unnoticeable but was covering a lot of his clothes and surrounding.

He knew that this was his benefactor which he has missed to see.
He asked Oscar to give him his flying Saussage about which they had talked about when Ah Feng and fatty were busy looking at the snake spirit beast .

Zhao wuji could only look as Tang San took away the sausage from Oscar and flew away the second moment he also followed him with others.

On the other hand Xiaowu was very angry at Titan Ape for hurting both Ah Feng and Tang San.
She scolded him for a long time then with Er Ming name of the Titan Ape as a guard started condensing her spirit ring.

Miya was looking from 100 metre far the process of condensing ring by Xiaowu and found that she was faster then Xiaowu at that, she suddenly felt pain in her heart, she knew Tang San is at danger, but she has warned Zhaowuji before coming here how dare that fellow not regard her warning, she saw Xiaowu has completed condensing ring and came at the back of her and made her unconscious, she turned to Titan Ape and said "Er Ming you should not hurt my brother "and then activated her 6 the ring for the first time "Blue heaven devour "and went away.

The other was crying from pain and heard a soft voice "Heaven blue silver heal, take care and don't run around here, dangers are lurking around, you can expose her identity by doing it, be careful and thankful no title duoduo was here"

On the other side Tang San meet the Human faced spider and hunted it down using the sky clear hammer and started absorbing the ring.
Soon Zhao wuji came with others and found the condition of Tang San was very critical and he was crying and groaning with pain.

Miya carried Xiaowu in princess carry and immediately activated both her x ray vision and teleport ability and found the group.

Soon she arrived and then her eyes turned from blue to dark red, she looked at Zhaowuji ,seeing this not only the 5 Shrek devils even Zhaowuji felt chill down his spine. Miya then turned and looked at Tang San and put Xiaowu in Zhuqing's arm and said "look after her,dont worry, I made her unconscious otherwise she will not come with me "
And walked near Tang San this time she sat in front of Tang San and held both of his hand in her own hands and activated her two abilities, Life domain which she had inherited from her mother and activated her 6th ability Heaven Blue silver devour and absorbed all the negative thoughts coming in others mind.

Tang San who was suffering from pain suddenly felt warm, the warmth of maternal love, and Ah Feng this feeling was like when he hugged the brother of his. All his negative thoughts vanished and he was filled with inner spiritual power which was very pure, which helped him in absorbing the spirit ring.

Miya saw that Tang San was safe ,she got up and kissed Tang San's forehead and said "Take care Xiaosan, be safe, I will be waiting for you to grow up, bye hope we meet again, soon"and tears slipped from her face.

She wipped the tears and said "Don't let this idiot do it again if he wants to meet me again, say him to stay safe, that's all I hope from him "and disappeared.

Others were shocked, they heard all what she said to Tang San ,they were shocked to hear what the other wanted to keep him safe, what was the identity of the other how can she be so powerful and why was she protecting him so much.

At the same time both Tang San and Xiao wu woke up, this time Tang San was not naked because Miya has already slipped cloth in the cocoon and had Tang San wear it inside it.

Both found out what has happened and Tang San felt strange, why was this person trying to help him, just why.

Just then three figure came out of the shadow.

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