Chapter 14 Talk Midnight

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At midnight Tang  San woke up and found Ah Feng siting near his bed holding his hand and supplying  spirit energy, he felt the care of this brother of him which he had always missed he felt so comfortable and happy inside.
He tried to sit when he heard

"You really are courageous right, next time see if I don't  punish you little one"teased Miya .Tang  San  always hated when others call him a child but he didn't  feel anything when he heard the other person called him that nor did he find it strange as if it was natural.

Tang  San  hurriedly hugged Ah Feng  and started rubbing his head in others shoulder and chest.

"Okay  Okay now don't  act spoiled here ,you child I just left you here for five years and you forgot whatever I told you already "said Miya angrily not responding to Tang San's  hug.

Tang San immediately  felt hurt when he saw the angry and the sad look of Ah Feng,he remembered the same happened to him when he has seen the sad look on the same face. That moment  Tang San knew that the person has the most place in his heart the value of the other person was more then himself. He swore in his heart that this will never happen again in future.

Seeing Tang San in thoughts Miya didn't  said anything more about the matter.

"Okay so now tell me your thoughts about your new friends "asked Miya bringing Tang San back from his rhoughts

"Mubai is 37 spirit elder at the age of 15,Oscar is 29 spirit grand master at 14, Ning Rongrong is 26 at 12 ,Zhu Zhuqing is 27 at age of 12, they are geniuses that are rare "Replied Tang San after he thought for a while .

"Silly child I asked you about your thoughts about them and their spirits not their levels, Xiaosan" this time Miya was little annoyed.

Tang San looked at Ah Feng's annoyed look and replied "Mu bai has Evil White tiger, Oscar has sausage, Ning RongRong has Seven Treasure Progada and ZhuZhuqing has Netherhell civet "

"Okay so you know that then me  about their background a little "asked Miya .

This time Tang San has no clue except for Ning Rongrong but he didn't say anything  just looked at Ah Feng for answer.

Miya  sighed and said "Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing are from Star Duo  Empire, they are here to get stronger, Mubai is a proud person, he is the third prince of that empire, Zhu Zhuqing is from the family of Duke, but she is very cold due to her personal reason,  she is the most persisted person among you and is the fiance of Mubai, because they want to keep this from you for time being so forget about it.

Oscar is a once in a life time genius a food spirit master born with innate full spirit power, as it is hard for this type of spirit master to level up .

Ning Rong Rong is as you know the princess of her clan and the daughter of the Sect Master, because she was born with gold spoon in her mouth she is spoiled rotten and is arrogant you will know it by tomorrow  .

You don't  know about the last person you will meet, he will  be your nemesis because he is 27 level Spirit master with Evil phenoix  spirit.

Any questions? "

Tang  San asked "Brother I saw you use the pink  lotus but didn't  you had blue silver plant spirit like me? "

"Oh I forgot to tell you I am a twin  spirit master like you but I like to remain low-key. "

"Any more question you have, I will answer it for you"replied Miya

Tang  San  asked "Brother what  level are you at? "He has never seen Ah Feng  use his spirit blue silver plant at all is not it a waste spirit then why has  Ah Feng using another martial spirit to practice instead of it.

As if knowing what Tang San  was thinking  Miya stood up and summoned  his blue silver spirit and immediately  his body shape changed into this

And then four spirit ring Dark Yellow, Yellow and purple, Dark purple ,Purple and black rose from his legs.

Tang San was shocked but remained calm, this was something  Ah  Feng had thaught him in past.

Miya nodded and then displed his martial spirit and summoned another martial spirit

Pink divine lotus and again 4 rings 2 yellow and 2 purple came out.

"The problem regarding  twin spirit you don't need to worry about that I will help you when I feel that your other spirit needs ring for now practice peacefully  ,maybe the future will not be so peaceful for you "Miya told me.

Tang San didn't  ask anything more just looked at Ah Feng who was looking outside the window with a worried graze.He was so close yet so far thought Tang San.

"Oh how have you been Xiaowu and you how far are you, you seem very close maybe in future I will see you together  as a couple, God bless this poor single dog"asked  Miya saddely.

But for some reason Tang San felt guilty when he heard the teasing and said "Brother it's not like that, I treat her like a sister "

"Of course you will say that after all have you ever seen a thief saying  I am thief "said Miya laughing  at her little brother "Okay we will talk more tomorrow , meet me after Dean's  speech  okay till then go sleep "

Both went to their own bed sleeping thinking  what will happen tomorrow morning.

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