Chapter 31, 7 Shrek's Devils, Vs Emporer Combact Team,

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Tang San came back and found master and others discussing about their opponents, soon everyone formed a plan on how to win the upcoming match.

He looked at the information it was just as Ah Feng had told him, he heard the other information from master and the specialty of the axuillary spirit master, but he was confident that they will be able to defeat them so he forgot what Ah Feng has told him about solving auxiliary spiritmaster.

On the other side, in a room 7 people were waiting for the information about their opponents which their teacher brought to them, they were the Emporer Combact team, Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yang, Shi Mo -Shi mo',Yu Feng,Osler,Ye Lingling.

Their teacher Qin Ming came with Shrek's  7 Devil's information and showed them,these people also thought they can defeat them easily and didn't took their teacher's opinion of being careful to heart. On this Qin Ming just shook his head and sighed.

After an hour the battle begin, it was just  like in the novel the fight went on Mubai was handling Yu Tianheng, Dugu Yan's  poison failed because of Tang San, Xiaowu and Zhuqing were the opponents of Osler, Yufeng was playing against Fatty. Rongrong and Oscar  tried to support as much as possible, Tang San was finding it hard to control, Shi Mo brothers.

The 7 Sherk devils trapped Yu Tianheng and defeated him and thought the battle was over.

Among audience ,Miya stood with Zhao Wuji and Flanders, when she saw what has happened she said "Little ones are navie,the battle has just begun "

Master also heard that and said angerly "Why do you said that ,its clear they are about to win "

"Grand master forgot, their is a auxiliary master in that team which has not used her power yet  , Tang San has only chance to win if he uses his External Bone, otherwise forget it, oh I forgot to tell you ,your nephew there  also has some whole card same as Tang San, if he uses that I don't know who will win, but I have a feeling the little ones are going to win but the price of it is unknown "Miya said sarcastically.

Flanders and Zhao Wuji didn't say anything but they know what Ah Feng said was correct, they were happy too soon, Master was going to arruge with Ah Feng when he heard in the stage

"You can't  even handle these weak ones, what are you even dreaming about "and immediately all the members of Emporer Combact Team regained their powers and stood to fight again.

Tang San saw what happened and was ashamed, he was taking everything too lightly, he knew that he will get  a heavy scolding today.

The battle went on 7 Sherk Devils were injured. Tang San finally used his the Eight Spider Lance's and won finally.

Miya saw this and said, "I will return little later "and disappeared.

Flanders and Zhaowuji along with master waited for others in guest room.

The 7 Shrek's devils were supporting each other when they heard "1 St ability,Supreme healing lotus"
All the injures they had healed, she the said to them

"You go to the waiting room and then go to collect the points, today is your last match here, so after eating you all must rest ,we will go back tomorrow morning, Fatty, later, when Dean is angry tell him  ,this might not be a bad thing, maybe he will not be poor as he is now.Mubai I have something to ask you ,after we go back to the Academy I will find you.okay you all go on "and Ah feng disappeared.

Tang San was very sour after seeing that Ah Feng didn't even looked at him and he realised he had seriously made the other person super furious.

They all went to waiting room were they finally meet their Senior Qin Ming  ,master and all started talking after which Flamder asked them to collect their points and return to eat.

The Emporer Combact Team on the other hand were very sad about their lost in this match, they were supporting each other  and walking when they heard "1st Ability Supreme healing Lotus"and found their wounds were healed and heard the voice again"2nd ability Supreme Assisting Lotus" and felt their energy  restore.

They looked up and found a boy standing there,with a lotus spirit and 2 yellow rings surrounding it.

Dugu Yan smiled and said "Ah Feng ,it's you, what are you doing here"

Miya replied "Sister Yan , how have you been ,I  am also the student of Shrek Acdamy. Tell Old Poison I will visit him soon , take care, today you lost not because you were weak but because you were too proud, I hope in future you will learn when to retreat and fight in the battle  ,good luck "and disappeared.

Dugu Yan turned and all were looking at her. She said "My grandfather and he are good friends, I have meet him couple of times he is a person of few words, but don't get angry, he was not teasing us but telling us, I have even forgotten that he told me not to be proud in the past in front of my grandfather"

All were shocked, they knew who her grandfather was he was Poison Duoduo, yet the other person talked like they were friends and yet he dared to scold his granddaughter in front of him.

Sherk's Devils returned after collecting their points as usual, which was  silver badge for everyone except Tang San who got Golden badge.

After arriving Fatty ordered a lot, which made Flander wanting to cry, Qin Ming then said that he will pay and with this Zhaowuji made face he wanted Flander to spend money.

Qin Ming then asked Dean to merge Shrek's Devils with Heaven Duo royal academy which Dean Flander refused just when he was about to go out, master came and said that they will if he agreed with the following terms.

This was going on but on the other hand Miya went on her room and sighed"Time to go to thunder valley is near "

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