Chapter 7 Heart to Heart talk with family

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"What"shouted grand master, "You really are telling truth but how can you be sure that they didn't serve the  order to another person"

"The  kitchen staff knew that it was our first day at school, he said we didn't  need to pay today and someone  has already paid for us and they knew that we were work students and moreover I smelt a faint fragrance  which I am familiar with"replied Tang San sadly.

Grand master wanted to ask him more questions  but he knew he will be digging too much and started telling him about spirit masters path, spririt ring types, and types of martial spirits.

On the other side near fountain Xiao  Wu was waiting  for Tang San  she wanted to compare  her martial art technique  with him and said "Where did this fellow went, this Sister Xiao  Wu is waiting for him for so long "

"Sister, you should be in the dorm now, you can compare with him  when he gets back from hunting spirit ring, you know if he is tired he will not be able to concentrate  well which will effect him while he absorbs spirit ring, let him sleep today ,tomorrow  his master will be taking  him for his first spirit ring, I hope you understand that right "Said Miya standing  2 metres away from her future sister in law.

Xiao  Wu turned around and saw a boy about age 6-7years black hair, black eyes, normal face, common clothes but she felt very calm around him like a warmth of close ones like family.

Miya came forward, placed the two carrots in the bench and said "You should sleep early, work students usually have to work and tomorrow  Tang San will not be there, I heard your martial spirit  is rabbit, they usually like carrots, so I brought it here, I will do the share of work of Tang San for tomorrow  you don't have to worry about that, money is very important for human life, for food, clothes, housing almost everything, you can register  in Martial Spirit Hall after you obtain your  first spirit ring, you will get 1 gold coin every  month till you reach  spirit ancestor  ,after that you will have to depend on your own.

Sister I know you are a genius but you will only be a genius only if others let you become one, I don't  say that you must not have pride I just want to tell don't  be arrogant sometimes it causes your life  I hope you can understand sister.See you tomorrow sister"said Miya  and walked away.

Xiao Wu  felt the voice of boy was somewhat shaking at the end, she remembered  the death of her mother, she knew nothing about human  world, but someone helped her unknowingly, she knew that there are people who can easily see through her identity  she should be careful, yes she is prideful but she knows  that she is weak now she must work hard if she wants to avenge her mother .

Then she saw the two carrots placed on the bench and took it she smelt the same smell of nature, she smiled and said "Thank  you brother"and went towards dorm.

Tang San was walking back after his disscusion with master when he saw Ah Feng sitting in bench, waiting for him.

He wanted to say hello but before he could say anything  he heard .

"You are going  to get your first spirit ring, be careful even if your master is going with you it is not confirmed that you will be safe, I know dangers are always in the path of Spirit masters  I hope you get  a good ring, you must know the blue silver plant you posses is not like others, why do you think it can be with your other spirit if it is a worthless spirit for others I don't  want to tell you now what you must know is even if your teacher is a grand master in knowledge  he has basically  no practical knowledge because he has not gone through  the phrases spirit masters go through.

I want to tell you a genius should have their pride but arrogance will lead to disasters  ,there may be  many people who are more genius then you, you will meet them in future if you can graduate from here, the world is so big, I hope you can see it, take care Xiaosan"after sayingy this finally Miya went  towards library.

Tang San  looked towards the direction Ah Feng  went.He saw an apple  in the bench, he never meet his mother but for a moment  he felt as if a mother was giving advice to her child, the care, the worry  ,and the scolding  ,it felt like someone  was there for him and someone  was waiting  for him to grow up. He knew Ah Feng's  character very well, he will never say something  that is not true, and he knows that Ah  Feng was a guy who didn't  usually shows his care towards other if not necessary . He walked towards the dorm and when he reached his bed he found a  small basket  with 10 radish ,2 bottles of insect and beast repler, dry ration and a note
Take care ,this are necessary for your first spirit hunt, you will know later written on it. The same and familiar fragrance  he knew that someone  was watching  over him, he felt the care, but he did  not know what the uses of this things are but he kept it.

On the other side Miya went to Dean gave him a blue pill and red pill and said "When he will  start absorbing the spirit ring feed this pill to him if necessary  or in case his life is in danger, although master is very knowledgeable, he has no experience  because he is not a genius and genius have their pride they will always dare to do unthinkable  things and will not listen to anyone, take care of him from dark, the red pill is for master in case of his emergency you will know about that in time, okay now be early at sharp 8'oclock they will leave, I will go to rest now, tomorrow  my work will start I have three different  works to do for couple of days, bye and take care Dean"as Miya was going she stopped and placed a basket with a mask , some dry ration and 10 gold coins "This should be enough  for now I guess okay help me do your work"and went to library, she will be leaving there from now.

The Dean  smiled and said "Ah Feng you care about that boy so much even I feel jealous, I have only seen you smiling when you see him, I wonder who is he to you "

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