Chapter 22 Crossing path with Canghui Acadamy

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The next morning Miya along with 7 Sherk Devils waited at the entrance of the village for Zhao Wuji to come out .
Miya turned towards the three senior students and said "You will not cause trouble right after going out"
Others didn't understand the meaning but how could Oscar, Mubai and Fatty not know but they didn't say anything.

Zhao Wuji came shortly within 5 min and they set off. The seven of them ran all the way, and with Rongrong, Oscar and Ah Feng 's support they could run comfortably. Zhao Wuji has given the task of commanding and guide to Mubai and he was following after them.
All ran except Miya who walked very comfortably at the same speed as Mubai .Everyone was shocked but they knew everyone has secret so nobody asked him.

At evening ,they arrived at town near Star Duo forest, everyone was tired, so they immediately found a inn and sat down to eat. Fatty immediately ordered ,almost filling the table surprising the new comers.

Miya ordered for herself, Tang San and Xiao wu, a chicken ,boiled eggs, 3 bowl vegetable porridge,vegetable salad and 3 glass of warm milk. She then place 10 gold coins and whispered something in waiter's ear.
All were surprised to see Ah Fengs order when she took out 2 apples and 2 carrots and placed them in front of the two. She turned towards Mubai and said "Don't waste money, it will come handy in future "and then towards Tang San and Xiao wu and said"Tang San you have been working as a blacksmith since 6 years of age ,you must use your money for your own things, and Miss Big Sister Xiao Wu please take into consideration that money doesn't grow in tree,if you are as rich as famous clans then that is another thing, even then also they don't spoil their successor like prince or princess except one "

All were speechless listening to what he said. Soon Miya finished eating before them and left to the male 's appointed room not before saying "Oh, by the way, sometimes you must check the power of others before causing trouble" and eyed, Mubai and Fatty,smiled and went away.

These guys didn't pay attention to the others warning and provoked the Canghui Academy as same as in novel.
Fatty commented on a girl of the other group, a boy came to trip food into Mubai and failed as Tang San used his secret technique and stopped the food from falling, the boy tried to kick Mubai's leg but failed and hurt himself. Xiaowu the girl boss directly jumped into fight and used her 8 leg stand and beat the guys before they can activate their spirit rings .

Soon a middle aged man walked in and introduced himself 7 Sherk Devils " I am Ye Ziqui, the teacher of Canghui Academy, I know you are genius may I know which Sect you belong "
"Sherk Academy "replied Fatty.

"I don't know anything about it "replied Ye Ziqui arrogantly because he knew that they are not from a big power.
"That is your ignorance "replied Mubai with disdain.

Ye Ziqui released his spirit rings, 1 white, 2 yellow and 2 purple, he was a spirit king.
The 7 Devils were also not afraid of him and were about to summon their martial spirits when the manager rushed out and requested them to fight outside the inn.

The fight went on as Tang San took the lead and with his command they were able to press the other to corner before he had used his spirit abilities, but he was not defeated due to his Turtle martial spirit know for it's defence.

Just when they were about to lose, Zhao Wuji came and asked the 7 Devils to leave and rest early.
The 7 Devils felt their energy restored and found Ah Feng coldly looking at them with his lotus martial spirit in his palm.

Zhao wuji also felt Ye Ziqui's condition improve and his spirit abilities increase. He looked back and saw Ah Feng who looked at him and said "Don't be like others, arrogance and pride are two things which are never good for one if it is in excess and the help is so that in future he would be able to say that he fought a spirit saint when he was only a spirit king "

Miya turned towards the others and said "Each and every action has equal and opposite reaction, so you all better prepare for future, anyway good night"and disappeared from there .
This time no one watched the fight of the two, but went to rest.

Boys were in one room and girls were in another. A room had only 4 beds so Miya took out a mattress and a pillow from her storage tool and spread it at the fartherest corner and started mediating. The boys came and felt the problem of sleeping. Tang San came forward to tell Ah Feng to sleep in the bed, whereas he will sleep in the floor when he heard "You are weaker then me, and I don't like sleeping that much so go on the bed"and turned and slept.

No one said anything to Ah Feng ,the night passed and the journey to Star Duo Forest begin.
Mubai guided them and they learned from Tang San the knowledge about spirit beast and other. While Miya just looked around boringly.

Soon they heard a voice coming towards them.

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