life before rebirth

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Miya was a girl who always had a postive altitude  about thing's, she never liked being lazy, she was very hard working student  with straight A's ,she was a sports loving person too.She worked hard in studies so she could get scholarships and worked a part-time job for tusion money,she had lived in orpange since she has known ,she helped others  when she thought they needed help but never asked for anything in return, she was a perfect girl except she liked to stay alone, she was a genius but she never wanted to show off she lived a life like every common teenager.
She never blamed anyone for anything  they do against her just smiled and walked away. She had a habit of reading books at night and she used to finish a book she was reading till the end. She was a crazy little fan of genre of novel like system, rebirth, magic, martial art and adventure with horror.She was especially fascinated by Chinese novels like Duoduo Dalu and has read all the volumes of it She sometimes  felt the story of soul land was not complete  as if something  was missing  she could not point it out.
Once she was coming home after school and was in hurry she has to go to   cafe to do the part time job as waitress and she did not noticed that there was a pebble in the pathway and she slipped  on it, everything  started to turn black,the last thing she saw was blood all over the area where she was walking a sec ago. In the last her thoughts were
"Oh is everything  written for me in this life over? Am i never gonna  be able to enjoy the fresh air the pure sunlight, children's  laughter, and elders nagging  again, Thank you God for everylittle thing  you gave me in this life, Amen "
And like that she died. A16 year old girl with no parents, friends and family died as she has lived a very satisfied life even with so many problems  she was facing.

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