Chapter 23 People always misunderstand you when you give them a good advice.

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Miya looked towards the direction and activated her X-ray vision she got as a reward for coming to Sherk Academy. Looked towards others and said "Oscar your 3 rd ring is here but there will be a little trouble I hope you can solve it teacher Zhao "and looked at Tang San and said "little one try to be little serious and finish your task as fast as possible, you will get a surprise after that "and walked near a tree and and climbed up and sat down enjoying the view.

Zhaowuji didn't understand what Ah Feng was trying to tell neither the 7 Sherk Devils except Tang San, he felt that the brother of his is telling him something.

Zhaowuji sent Zhuqing to see what is that and found that it is Phoenix tailed cockscomb snake and it was about 1700 years which was suitable for Oscar, so they caught it and just when Oscar was going to kill it they heard.

"Stop "
And came two person, a old lady and a young lady about 15 and 16 years of age both carried a long stick in their hands and the old lady has 6 spirit rings surrounding her and the young had 2 rings surrounding her.
The young lady started shouting "This snake is mine return it to me "

Fatty ,Oscar and Mubai looked at her, she has a nice figure due to her snake martial spirit and had a mature look.
But when Oscar heard it he said "we have caught this snake how can this be yours "

"Look at its stomach my grandma has hurt it, that's why you were able to catch it "said the girl.

Zhaowuji looked at the snake and found the wound but it was not very deep to hurt the snake but asked "May I know your name"

The old lady came forward and said "My name is Chao Tianxiang, My husband is Meng Shu known as Dragon Duke and this is my granddaughter Meng Yiren this time we came to hunt spirit beast for her 3spirit ring I hope you can let it go"

Zhao wuji immediately knew that this is the grandmother of Unrivalled Dragon Serpent Duo and humbly but calmly said "I am Zhao Wuji, I ask for seniors, generosity, my students also need the 3 spirit ring. "and said to the 7 Devils, "Little Monsters release your rings"and released his 7 rings too.

The old woman was shocked, she looked around except Mubai who has 3 rings ,all the others looked about 13 and 14 ,so she knew that it was difficult so she said "Oh, my apology, Motionless Bright King, then we can only go by the way of spirit masters to know who is eligible for the spirit ring. "

Zhao wuji was about to reply when they heard.
"My apologies madam grandma but you can see the guy needing the spirit ring is a food type spirit master you can choose others, I personally recemend Tang San he is 29level spirit grand master and is about to breakthrough to 30 level "
The others looked around and saw Ah Feng standing near Oscar and everyone was shocked because  no one knew when he came not even Oscar.

Meng Wei looked at the boy, he was handsome, tall and we'll build and the cold and the noble aura caused her to feel like  going closer to him.
The old lady, Chao Tianxiang ,was also surprised, she didn't even notice when this guy came.

Meng Wei said arrogantly "why don't you fight me "
"Sorry miss this one is an auxiliary spirit master, and the level is 25 spirit grand master, I am sorry I cannot fulfill your request "replied Ah Feng.

The two ladies were shocked but didn't say anything, at the end Tang San and Meng Wei fought.

Miya turned to Oscar and whispered something in his ear and both of them went to the spirit beast and Oscar immediately stabbed it with knife and started absorbing it and Miya sat behind him and helped him absorb the ring faster.

No one noticed it and when the fight was over they turned around to see that Oscar and Ah Feng  eating apples which God knows where they got.

The two ladies were embarrassed and we're about to go when they heard "Please carefully confirm the age of the spirit beast you are about to hunt "which the two didn't take seriously.

Then Zhao Wuji turned to Oscar and said "Go absorb the spirit ring "
Miya just clapped her hands and motioned Oscar to slow them.

Oscar like a good guy came forward and showed his spirit ring which were 3 instead of 2.

Oscar said to others "I absorbed the ring when the fight was going on"
Zhao wuji didn't believe it and went to confirm it and was surprised to find it was true he turned and looked at Ah Feng .This boy came out now because of this.

Miya didn't care about the gaze she was getting and said "It is not safe here, but this guy will need spirit ring, he is near breaking through 30 and I think that Xiao wu will need it too if the condition is meet "pointing towards Tang San who was meditating and xiaowu.

Others were shocked but didn't say anything after Tang San woke up he said he needed 3 spirit ring to which everyone looked at Ah Feng and then remembering what the other had said they looked at Xiao wu.

And told him what has happened. Miya didn't care about them she walked to the beast lying there and shouted "Fatty come here "
Fatty ran and came next to Ah Feng who whispered to him"Sit down here and start mediating and take this drop of blood, it will help you to solve at least 10 percent of your evil fire problem " which fatty followed she then placed her hand in the spirit beast head and healed it  the beast shook and flew away ,actually the beast don't die easily even after their spirit ring is taken away, so Miya healed it and it went away without anyone noticing it.

Miya turned to others and said "let's eat before and rest for sometime to regain our energy "

Miya took out rice and vegetables washed them, lit fire and started cooking it took her 15 minutes to cook exactly the same time fatty has refined the blood, and looked thinner then before. Miya took a spoon of porridge and bowl from her storage tool and ate and left the rest for others  .
The others were shocked at the speed and the smell coming from the simple vegetable porridge and ate it.

Miya turned to fatty and said "You leveled up "
Fatty laughed and said "I am at level 28 now and my evil fire will be in more control of mine, thank you "

Miya was about to say no problem when she saw the big guy coming, she turned and said to others "Don't attack or provoke the big guy, you will die immediately,he is like a kid coming to play around, if you don't believe me try yourself "

No-one understood the meaning of what Ah Feng till they heared


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