chapter 2 The story soul land has offically begin

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Duoduo continent, southern heaven Duo Empire,in Fasinuo province.

Holy sprit villiage near Nuoding city was a very peaceful village with about 300 people living in it, the village has a legend that 100 years ago a soul saint came from this village but now so far not a single spirt master has been found in it.
On the hill just near the village a boy around 5-6 could be seen coming daily to see the rising sun, just joking he comes here to practice his martial art skill. Yes martial art skill he got from his past life when he was a disciple of tang clan and yes he is our dear prtoganist Tang San. A boy with black hair ,black eyes ordinary face, wheat coloured skin but the temperament of a gentle man can be seen sighing.

6 years has passed since he came to this world, even through he could not open his he had heard a loud heartbreaking cry that day and he has never seen his mother. He was orpan in his last life and wanted the love of his parents but even though he had a dad he only got cold shoulder.

"My Mysterious Heaven can't even break through even 1st bottleneck, even my purple eye which needs morning sunlight has shown changes, ah it never happened in my last life what am I gonna do now"
In this world he felt kind of uncomfortable first but he could adapt pretty quickly. His father Tang Hao has named him Tang San in memory of his decreased wife ,which the village children's made fun off but he didn't mind it what was a nearly 30year old man was supposed to say to 5-6 year old brats after all and he was happy to keep his name the only thing which was the only thing related to his last life.He had a dream and that was to create Tang clan in this world.
With this thought he started walking towards his home or should I say hut and that also broken and run down now what can we say.
He went inside stirred the rice porridge and called for his dad
"Dad it's time for food "yeah you can see the food was cooked by Tang San not his father Tang Hao. After all Tang Hao never asked him to but it was Tang San himself doing it. Tang Hao was a blacksmith and was only one in whole village but the money he earned went straight for his drink then food or clothes.The village head was a kind person he sometimes gave him food or clothes because he liked Tang sam's behavior, no child would be like him in this age where they all know about playing and eating and nothing else.
Tang Hao drank the porridge from the bowl in few seconds and was back to his room to sleep again.
Tang San cleaned the dishes and he heard a knock on the door he went out to check who came he saw two dead hares in front of his door .He looked around trying to find who the person but as if he could.
He went inside with the two hares and cleaned them and was preparing them for dinner. He never knew who the person was because from last two years he would everyday find something in his door sometime wild fruits, sometime wild edible vegetables, mushrooms and even hares and chicken. It was not much but he could feel that it was just right amount neither less nor much for the two of them.First he thought the village head (grandpa Jack) left it for them but he noticed that it was not him at all. It was as if the person has never been their but just the things he needed, sometimes he even got little pig irons about the size of his palm ,but he had never seen this person, he sometimes felt that someone is trying to help him grow just like a parent would but this person was his dad neither then was this person, who knew what he needed and gave him but never showed his face to him. What does the person want from him? Why is he helping him? Why does he never shows his face to him? Just why? These questions has been in his mind but he never got the answer of it .

Just as he was lost in his thoughts a loud voice came from outside,
"Tang San, tomorrow is the day the village children's will awake their martial spirit ,I will come to take u tomorrow to the venue be ready on time"
It was grandpa Jack in front of the door.
"okay grandpa I will be .." he was halfway in his sentence when he noticed grandpa Jack has already left.
'okay am I suppose to do now'

He thought he had time so he he started to make dinner the same happend in the dinner just like in the morning, Tang San went to bed and was ready to discover what type of spirit he will awake tomorrow ,he wanted it to be a strong one, with this he went to the dream land.

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