Chapter 17 3rd part of the journey around the continent(Extreme North)

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After getting her 5 th spirit ring, Miya and Dugu Bo were back to Sunset Forest. Miya knew that the time to leave Sunset Forest is near so she asked Dugu Bo to walk around with her.

When they were walking and talking around they saw a group of spirit beasts near their death . A demon fox , black panther, rock demon ape, blue deer, one horn lizard were the lying there painfully. The spirit beasts that were about to die looked at Miya and called out to her.

Dugu Bo was surprised to find that the spirit beasts where trying to tell Ah Feng that they want to sacrifice for her. Even before she could refuse 5 black rings from the spirit beasts rose from them and surrounded Miya.

This time Miya opened her hand and her third spirit Charm Supreme lotus and five black rings appeared surrounding it.
All this happened within a hour, Dugu Bo standing at side was surprised, he never knew Ah Feng was a twin spirit that means ,his one of parents must be a human but who.

The five spirit rings brought 5 axuillary abilities

1st ring, 10,200 year, Supreme Healing Lotus from blue deer
2nd ring 20,100year ,Supreme Assisting lotus (45percent increase) from one horn lizard
3rd ring 40,050 year, Supreme Barrier lotus from rock demon ape
4th ring 60,500 year, Charm Divine Lotus demon Charm fox
5th ring 85,020 year, Teleport Divine lotus black panther

She also got thigh bone from black panther which she already absorbed without Dugu Bo noticing.

She stood up and said to Dugu Bo "Come with me "and took him to a cave where they found two little panther cubs ,a little deer, and a little fox. She went towards them to her surprise the little ones ran to her and started rubbing themselves to her.

As the time was for her to go she and Dugu Bo build three small caves for the three little ones which was next to Yin Yang well, and after 3 days she went to continue her journey to the extreme north not before telling Dugu Bo to let two people with the name Snow and Lucifer come and stay here for a year they are her partners but when they will come is up to them.

Miya arrived at the entrance of Extreme North the real reason for her coming here was her test to survive, will power, persistence, and combact experience which she lacked. During this year Miya has already broken through level 60 spirit emporer and condensed her 6 th ring of 90,000 year( black ring with red spots ), Heaven Blue silver Devour.

She also got a plant type soul beast white gaint tulip in the lake of Extreme forest which she absorbed as her 6th spirit ring for her 3rd martial spirit 100,000 purify lotus, she got a head spirit bone from it with ability spiritual link and aura lock.

She also meet the first 1,000,000(Tian Meng ,the Sky dream Ice worm) beast who wanted to be her spirit ring, but she refused saying that it is still early she will give him the position of either 9 th or 10th ring of Charm Supreme lotus so she let him stay at her pet space which was recently empty.
She also came across other 100,000 spirit beast which themselves took initiative to become her soul rings so hence the 5 red rings got place in her 2nd martial spirit Sword Hammer Spear.

1st (red) ring 100,200 year
2nd (red) ring 200,000year
3rd (dark red) ring 408,000 year
4th ( orange red) 500,000Year
5th (dark red) 400,500year

She didn't know why the spirit beasts took the initiative to sacrifice to her, how could she know that she unknowingly released a friendly aura towards the spirit beasts who could sense that she has the most purest soul and feel that being near her gave them a strong sense of suppression which is only felt by beasts of pure high bloodline ,which was all due to her being near immortal herbs and eating 5 of them.

She travelled around the Extreme north region when she came across a strange looking rock at the core region of the place.

As Miya has always loved mysterious things and horror genres she touched it and after a hour she regained her consciousness in a dark room with a statue of a goddess made of ice crystal, The Ice Goddess written in one of a stone

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As Miya has always loved mysterious things and horror genres she touched it and after a hour she regained her consciousness in a dark room with a statue of a goddess made of ice crystal, The Ice Goddess written in one of a stone.

Her sword spirit immediately came out of its own and started glowing with white light.
Miya then heard a voice in her head "Well come my child it's been millions of years someone that someone came to this place, you could come here proves

 Miya then heard a voice in her head "Well come my child it's been millions of years someone that someone came to this place, you could come here proves

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that you are eligible for the Ice Goddess .Lets see if you become the next Ice Goddess or not. "

The next moment, Miya came across a village who were suffering from draught, Hunger and many diseases.

Miya without any hesitation helped them, treated them and told them many ways to avoid draught and diseases, after seeing that everything is over for her to do she left the place.

Again Miya appeared in a forest this time she saw many wolfs circling around a five year old boy she without hesitation ran to the boy and carried him and started running after she looked at village which was not far and looked at the wolfs following her she threw the boy after wrapping him in clothes towards the village which rolled and reached the village in a short time and suddenly she was hit by the wolf claws and was surrounded by the pack.

Miya didn't use her spirit abilities to harm any of them just released her aura which immediately scared the wolf's but then suddenly someone came from her back and bit her neck and she turned around to find that the white bear of 90,000 she wanted to know the reason the bear killed her and found that there not far from her was a small baby bear who was shaking in fear due to her aura, she hurriedly displed her aura and smiled towards the little bear but this time everything turned dark.

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