Chapter 12 Advice and departure

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Three of them came back and entered the house, Tang San  asked Xiao Wu to spend night in the room of Tang  Hao and the two boys will sleep here in the living  room, Xiao Wu  entered the room and fell asleep within a second.

On the other hand, Tang San hugged Ah Feng again, and he was surprised  to find that he was very comfortable without any sign of disgust from the touch of the other person.

Miya didn't  mind it but started speaking "Xiao San let me tell you things which may help you in future do you want to know about it, let's sit and talk "

Tang San like a obedient  puppy sat in the bed and hugged Ah Feng again and said "Yes brother  ,I will listen to it "

"Let me ask you what is title Duoduo  and how much you know about it "asked Miya

"Spirit power above level 90 and it's legendary  rank of spirit master"replied Tang San innocently.

Miya  hugged him and stroked his hair and said "Xiaosan  ,you are half correct, above 90 spirit power is correct but it is not legendary  rank at all more then 30 people in our continent  are title duoduo those which are known and there are many hidden ones too. So promise me that whatever  I will tell you today you will only tell them to others after you are level 50 or above and only to your trusted ones okay "

Tang San answered "I promise "

"Okay I believe  in Xiaosan ,after a person reaches the level of 90 spirit power leveling up is most difficult  it sometimes takes 1 year, sometimes  a whole life to level up a single level of spirit power. Title Duoduo are divided into 91 to 94 Title  Duoduo,95 to 98 Super Duoduo ,and 99 is peerless Duoduo also known as Demi God, level 100 is God, there are many levels in God's too, 3rd level God, 2nd level God, 1st level God, Demi Godking, Quasi Godking and God Kings .

Level 95 is equal to 10, 94 level title duoduo,and same 96 is equal to 10, 95 super duoduo.
There are 3 Peerless Title Duoduos in this continents .
There are three major clans in which Seven Treasure progonda  clan is richest with 2 super duoduos, Bone and Sword level 95 and 96.
Blue lightning  tyrant  clan has one Title Duoduo  at level 96 and is known as the best beast spirit in continent because many of beast spirit which are level above it has vanished in time.

Clear Sky  clan has a level 96 Title Duoduo  ,and I think maybe in another 10 years they will soon have at least 5 Title Duoduo there,about this don't  tell anyone not even the persons you trust you will know why in future,the hammer in your right hand is best tool spirit which is only awakened in Children's from direct bloodline .

There are two countries Heaven Duo Empire and Star Duo empire.  Swan  is the martial spirit of Heaven Duo  Royal family   and it has advantage of spirit  masters  whereas Evil White tiger is of Star Duo  Empire, they have a strong military power and the Royal clan and the Duke family heirs have martial spirit fusion as their spirit is Nerther Hell Civet. I will tell you about that in future when you have need of it.

Remember your master has a theory knowledge not practical so you should take advice of more powerful level Spirit masters when needed okay don't do anything rash.

Only a direct bloodline will have the same spirit from clans .Each of them are strong but have their own weakness,  never challenge  the person who is more than 10 level Spirit power than yours except in competition  because they might show no mercy to you.

The largest power in the continent is Martial Spirit Hall it has the largest number of Title Duoduo and a peerless Duoduo,I want you to avoid  getting attention from them, never show your spirit in left hand, don't  act proud, have pride but that's all, don't  go on showing off, remember  arrogance leads to disasters, when you are a spirit emperor you can have at least power to act a little arrogant, I said little okay.

When you make friends remember, respect them and there choice don't force your opinion on them, help them if they are in need but never ask about useless rewards, work hard and take only what is necessary from others, be aware of your surroundings and person in front of you never let your  guard down till you are sure that the person is not harmful.

Before trusting  anyone you must know what is he like specially royalties and clan elders or clan heads, okay this is all I want to tell and yeah if you grow up strong I hope you travel around looking at many beautiful things around you "Miya finally  finished talking.

Tang San listened carefully, each and every sentence clearly . He now knew very clearly that his another spirit is a powerful one and he is related to a clan which is powerful.

"Xiaosan, clear sky clan is now closed and seven years has passed already, your father is someone who is very famous in mainland but don't be proud because the said identiy causes a lot of trouble for you remember  never tell your father's name to anyone till you trust the person enough, sometimes even the closest ones backstab you whether they know or don't know at all in various situation. Tang San promise me ,I know you are very sensible and important to me Xiaosan ,that you will never, get hurt and will take care of yourself well. Work hard Tang San and stay safe. "

Ah Feng got up looked at Tang San and went towards the door and suddenly  was hugged from backside again.

Tang San didn't knew but he felt as if he was losing something very important to him as if he can't  live without it and hugged Ah Deng tightly.

Miya returned the hug  and said good night and walked away.

The next morning when Xiao Wu woke up ,and went out she found Tang San sleeping alone,she shook him a little and  asked him"Where is brother? "

Tang San woke up and after listening to Xiao  Wu's question he looked around at found a letter.

I know, what I am doing, I am leaving you both so you can have each other, take care and help each other, I am sorry I am suddenly  leaving you both but I will be back don't worry when you need me I will always be there for you take care of yourself and work hard, I will work hard to keep protecting  you in future .Till then, Good bye, Xiao Wu help brother to keep a eye on Xiaosan please.

Ah Feng
That was the last time they heard from him.

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