Down Memory Lane

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The  high level of compatibility I share  with my bed has been the reason behind our  long and successful relationship.  The word Vacation to me is a synonym for sleeping. Life is pure bliss.

“Zayn !!!!” The high pitched squeal of a 12  year old girl pierced my eardrums disorienting me and causing me to fall of my bed. I could hear laughter in the background with my mum softly scolding my sister and rushing ahead to help me get up. My vision was still blurry due to my sleepy state. As I rubbed my eyes with my fingers a pair of chubby arms wrapped around my waist tightly hugging me.

“Safaa how is my princess? ,” I asked looking down at my youngest sister. She was dressed in her school uniform and her hair  were neatly tied in a braid. “I missed you Zayn.”, she said gazing at me with her hazel eyes. Kissing her forehead I pulled her off me and started tickling her.

“Stop it.” She pleaded her laugher echoing through the walls of my room. “Please get ready and drop me to school.” I could not deny my angel her request. Taking a shower I quickly got dressed and went for breakfast.

Waliya was helping my mum prepare breakfast. Her eyes shone and a smile flashed across her face when she saw me entering the kitchen. “Zayn it is so good to you see brother.” I hugged her tightly. Waliya was so engrossed in preparing eggs , her eyebrows furrowed in concentration it was quite a sight to watch. Grabbing the opportunity I pinched her noise and got the expectant reaction. “Mom Zayn is annoying me.” I smirked. “Five minutes together and both of you start.”, my mother huffed. I love my sisters yet I can never deny the fact that annoying them is my favorite hobby.

After a heavy breakfast I drove Safaa to school. Mum was dropping Waliya since her school fell on my mother’s way to work. As I waved Safaa goodbye I realized it was pointless to return home and be alone. I texted my cousin brothers Armaan and Azaan making a plan with them to join me for lunch. Until then there was plenty of time to kill so I decided to visit my favorite place in Bradford.

Getting out of my car I pulled my hood a little lower and adjusted my glares hoping it would be onerous for anyone to recognize me. As I pushed the door I heard the familiar  ding of the silver bell .The aroma of freshly baked patisserie and muffins filled my senses instantly reminding  me of the days when I hung out here every day after school.

“How can I help you dear ?” , a melodious voice filled my ears. She still looked as gorgeous as she has always been. Her grey her were pulled back in a bun . She wore a white dress alongwith  her black apron. Henderson’s bakery was neatly written across it in red.  Her blue eyes scrutinized my appearance and  she put on her spectacles to get a clear view. “Martha may I have the best chocolate muffin which you especially make only for me.” I said politely .Her lips curved into a smile.

When I was 14 I use to work at the bakery every day for an hour after school. Not only did my job help me earn extra pocket money but also it enabled me to learn and spend time with Martha the owner of Henderson’s bakery. It was one of Bradford’s famous places popularly known for its mouth watering patisseries  and muffins. The bakery had been in Martha’s family since generations. She was an expert baker and one of the most genuine people I had met in my life. Initially it was her who encouraged me to pursue singing with fervent passion. She used to say I was a naughty devil blessed with an angel’s voice .Everytime I sang a song with perfect notes she would reward me with choco chips muffin with extra sprinkles. Those were the days man.

“Zayn my baby is it you ?” , she asked me quizzically. I removed my hood and took of my glares. “Oh good Lord my little popstar is here .” She said merrily. “By no means am I little anymore Martha .” I laughed and moved behind the counter to hug her. Yeah well I have been hugging  a lot of women since I arrived here not that I am complaining about it.

She ushered me through  the back door of the bakery since people were dropping in to make their purchases and I was in no mood to sign autographs or pose for photos. I  sat on a chair in Martha’s cabin which provided a clear view of the workers in the kitchen. She maybe a sweetheart but she was stern when it came to work.

Placing two cups of coffee and muffins  on the table she gestured me to eat. Although I was full I could not decline her offer .Sipping coffee and munching on  delicious muffins Martha and me shared an animated conversation about  music,  my upcoming tour , the bakery and quite a few other things. When I got up to leave  she signaled me to wait as she went back to the kitchen. She returned with a box in her hand. “Now here are a few cupcakes for you.I hope you like them and do meet me before leaving .” I kissed her on the cheek thanking her  for the cupcakes and promising to pay a visit before I left.

Cupcakes rang a bell in my mind. Allana. I contemplated calling and asking her about her day but I immediately shunned the thought .I did not want to be a prude. She must be enjoying herself with Tristan who is her friend and who was her ex boyfriend who she held a soft corner for. Shut up Zayn .I shook my head and started on the engine driving around aimlessly grasping in familiar surroundings. I basically left Bradford when I was 17.I never thought that one audition would turn my world upside down.

Lunch with my cousins was a very vibrant affair. We gorged on a five course meal and exchanged our stories updating each other regarding our lives. Both of them were more volatile during the conversation, me being an attentive speaker until the topic arrived on Perrie. “Is it true what is being written on the internet  about you and Perrie?” Armaan asked me cautiously. “I have no idea what is being written but both us have parted our ways.” I told him playing with my food. Thankfully they did not prod the topic and seemed ecstatic to click pictures when a few fans requested me.

It was nearly 5pm  when I reached home after an eventful day. Mum was in her usual spot making preparations for dinner. “Hey honey I thought you would be late.”She said . “I went all over town. I am tired besides I wanted to spend time with you.” I said “Well I needed to talk to you regarding something .” her tone indicated  a hint of seriousness . “About what? .” I asked intrigued. “Perrie “ she said softly. I groaned but explained the entire story to my mum. She heaved a sigh and patted my back. “ How are you doing ?”

“Much better than I expected all thanks to Allana.” I said happily. “Who is Allana?” my mother questioned me back. I told her about Allana skipping the part about our special walk and how she had been a friend to in need to me. “She sounds to be a doll. She is in Bradford then why don’t you invite her for the barbeque tomorrow. I would love to meet her.” “Isn’t the barbeque a family thing mum ?

“It is Zayn but Niall is like you brother and Allana is his sister so she would also be…. . “Do Not call her my sister. I practically yelled at my mum. She eyed me suspiciously before adding “we should extend our hospitality towards her Zayn that is all I am saying. Invite her .” she said in a final tone.

“Fine.” I mumbled walking towards the living room and taking out my phone. I dialed her number .She answered after three rings. “Hey Al Zayn here.”I greeted her cheerfully. “Hi” she uttered back sadness evident in her tone. Something is wrong.“Allana are you okay ? Where are you ? I asked her exasperatedly.

“Graveyard.” She replied.

Author's note

So I know u r reading thank u for the views but can u please let me know your views on the story I feel like m writing for zombies cmon ppl anyway happy reading and stay tuned the next chap will blow your mind xoxoxo

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