Mixed Signals II

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Dedicated to 1Dream2Live4

Because : I love her unique style of commenting.

***Finally I have decided to cast the beautiful Selena Gomez as Allana Francis.Her new single is amazing . Do check out Good For You***

Allana's POV

I watched as Zayn walked suavely and stood next to Louis. His white tank top gave a good glimpse of his tattoo adorned body. He let out a high pitched laugh perhaps at a joke Louis had cracked. He crinkled his eyes and scrunched his nose a bit and eventually bit his lip. Am I awestruck by how handsome he is ? Anybody in their right mind would be blind to not see how alluring his looks are but what captivated me more was his stupendous persona.

His passion for music is ineffable. The camaraderie he shared with the rest of the boys and other crew members made me realize that indeed he was a thorough professional but as a person Zayn Malik wore his heart on his sleeve. An artist who spoke through his music , his singing but a young lad who was plainly bashful and awfully mistaken by the media to be mysterious.

These past few days had given me an insight into his world and its magnanimity had me cowering back. Tristan's words kept ringing bells in my head. Why would a worldwide heart-throb find me laudable enough to be the centre of his attention ?

Don't misconstrue me , I am definitely not a girl with low self esteem issues. I am independent , intelligent and vivacious. I am certainly not the type to decide my self worth upon a boy's opinion regarding me. But he wasn't just some other boy down the street , this wasn't a usual high school crush. Every stolen glance , every unspoken word , every slight touch felt much more maximized than the eruption of butterflies in my stomach or the buzzing electricity running in my veins. We shared something beyond all this. Weren't we suppose to be figuring it out ?

Again my habit of overthinking was taking a toll and I needed to rest my thoughts . How could I doubt him after all the silly excuses he comes up with just to talk to me or simply brush his fingers against mine while giving me pen or a bottle of water.The moment I just shared with him nullifies my stupid questions and proves that he cares just as much as I do.Maybe even more.

Ample number of girls had spent a lot of their parents hard earned money to grasp the chance of meeting their favorite band of boys. Harry , Liam , Louis , Zayn and Niall made sure that their money was well spent hugging their fans , signing autographs and posing for photographs.

"Why do they need so much security in this room ? Like these are just young harmless girls meeting their idols. Aren't they ?" , I asked Megan who had been a part of One Direction's security team since its inception.

"Honey you are so new aren't you ?" , she told me playfully.

"These girls love the boys , literally LOVE" , she said air quoting her words. "Sometimes their emotions get a tad out of control for the boys to handle. That's where we step in. Can't blame them though if you checked out each one properly they are truly sex on legs." , Megan said smirking at me.

I felt like gagging on her last statement . " Niall is my brother."

"The rest four aren't love.", she said winking up at me and walked away to talk to Mike.

Wow ! She sure is volatile about her opinion.

A tall blonde with wavy hair was posing with the boys. She was in the centre with her arms around Liam and Zayn. Harry , Louis and Niall flanked their respective sides. After the pictures were clicked she kissed each boy on their cheek rounding her arms on Liam's neck. " Wanna join me tonight Payno ? Let's have some fun together." , she told Liam seductively.

Because she made me believe (ZAYN MALIK)Where stories live. Discover now