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Dedicated to Yaser and Trisha Malik.....

Author's Note :

So Im back on Friday....this update is too special and I really wanna know your views on this one coz I need major motivation for the next chapter....

Also thank you so much guys....we made it to #254....which is awesome but I really wanna see the book in top 100 so help me out...

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Also are you seeing a different weird cover for the book ???  Lemme know I may have to report it

Hope you like this one xo

Zayn's POV

" What is the title of the story ?" , she asks me inquisitively.

I ponder for a moment before answering, " How Zain became Zayn."

She shakes her head in disapproval, " Bambi that's more like a question than a story title."

What are we in grammar class?

" I am the story teller , thus I decide the story title whether you like it or not. Bottom line is do you want to hear the story or not ?" I ask her in a tone of finality.

Tapping her index finger against her chin , she seems to be in deep thought for a minute. Eventually she says , " Fine , I want to hear your story despite the fact that the title sucks."

Playfully I slap her ass with force causing her to squeal , " You are a perverted story teller Zayn."

" Only because you are a naughty girl with a rude mouth." I cheekily reply back.

" I am not naughty." She says haughtily.

" Says the girl who was just about to go topless a few minutes ago. That was definitely a good girl act." I say grinning at her.

" You are so gonna have it from me." She says getting annoyed and creasing her forehead.

" Believe me baby girl , I really do wanna have it from you." I say winking at her.

As usual it take a minute for her to understand my sexual innuendo and when she does , her face turns scarlet. I enjoy the back and forth bantering between me and Allana especially when I am winning which is quite rare with her sassy tongue. It's a refreshing aspect of your relationship.

"Let me get settled comfortably before you start the story." She says hurriedly getting off my lap and scrambling to the other side of the bed , fluffing the pillows and laying against them , pulling the covers till her waist.

I certainly didn't mind telling her the story while she sat on my lap , but that's what I deserve for teasing her too much.

" Come here." I tell her gently , as she peers at me from the other side of the king sized bed.

Because she made me believe (ZAYN MALIK)Where stories live. Discover now