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Dedicated to -MissPlatinum


" She is not allowed to do something like this without your consent. It's not professional." Liam says with anger laced his voice.

" Did you talk to her about it ? She owes you an explanation ." Niall says munching on his pizza.

We were all gathered in my room after our first show in Tokyo, Japan. I had tried contacting Kaitlyn but our conversation was restricted to a few minutes since she was apparently very busy. As infuriated I was with her I had tried to be cordial during our talk , the only statement she kept repeating was that the whole stunt was in the best of my interests. This appalled me further and I told her to fix up the mess before any pictures of me and Cara were released. She was due to arrive in Japan later this week and I was impatiently waiting to set things straight with her. Soon maybe I would be without a publicist or the management would be on my case coaxing me to do shit.

"She is flying here this weekend so I am planning to have a heart-to heart with her." I reply. Kindly note the sarcasm.

" Why did she choose you ? Why not Harry or Niall ?" , Louis says chugging his beer.

" Harry is already with Nadine for the moment and we all know what a charmer he can be , the media adores him. Niall is also very comfortable in the public eye , so he doesn't require acts like these. The problem arises with you Zayn , if you correctly remember it is my job to enable you garner attention and be a connoisseur of the public eyes. However your introvert and reserved image poses a hindrance. When you were with Perrie she did most of the talking for you. People worshipped Zerrie and the publicity was ample. Now that you have broken up with Perrie we need something for you to still be desirable to your audiences. You are lucky because there are still speculations regarding who you would date now and that's why I think a staged relationship would be perfect for your image and for the band as well." I repeated Kaitlyn's useless speech to the boys in her annoying Geordie accent.

" That's ludicrous." Harry piped in.

"Exactly I am a singer , an artist I want people to know me for my talent not for who I am with." I say frustatedly.

"If only it was simple as you say Zayn. With competition being so fierce we need more than talent to survive in this business. It sounds harsh but this is the ugly truth mate." Liam says

" It suffocates me. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I think what the hell am I doing ? I just wanted to pursue my ambition , enjoy my job. Paparazzi constantly hounding me , rumours and fake articles being published every alternate minute , constant speculations about every aspect of my life I did not sign up for this." I say getting up from my bed and lighting a cigarette to vent out my inbuilt stress.

"Zayn we empathize with you because all of us face the same stuff.I know it's a lot more harder for you yet all these aspects are a significant aspect of our job.We cannot avoid them." Harry says trying to calm me down.

" Besides even if you do it what's the harm. There are a lot of people in the industry who are a part of these staged relationships reaping massive benefits out of them monetary and non-monetary. You are currently single and Cara is a nice girl. You never know both of you could end up mutually falling for each other." Niall says picking another slice of pizza.The four of us stare at him considering no one has been eating except him.

" What ? Stop looking at me like that. Such intense discussions make me more hungry." He defends himself.

" I was already a part of a staged relationship I don't want to walk down that path again." I mutter.

Because she made me believe (ZAYN MALIK)Where stories live. Discover now