Caught - I

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Dedicated to laurice28love

Song for this chapter She's No You - Jesse McCartney

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How would you define the word content? A person may experience content when they achieve something they desire the most be it a job , an object , luxury , fame or money. Feeling contented is enjoying this peculiar sense of satisfaction which is too enigmatic to elaborate. During 22 years of my life , I have been lucky enough to gain everything I aspired for , but none of those acquisitions have ever made feel as contented as I am today. I am contented with holding this exquisite young woman in my arms while she sleeps. I stare at her beauty , her raven locks sprawled on the pillow , her lips in an adorable pout , the innocence of her soul casting an uncanny glow on her visage.

Her actions always catch me off-guard and many-a -times amuse me , however I would be lying if I deny that her vivacity sparks ebullience within me. I have never felt the way I feel for her and I don't think I will experience this feeling of contentment with any other person in the world.

Sunrays creep through the blinds in my room and despite it being quite early in the morning , I am not grumpy rather beatific. Allana stirs in her sleep unconsciously pulling away the covers of her body. Her t-shirt has slightly ridden up giving a peek of her stomach and belly piercing. She shifts again , her legs tangling in the covers and I can't help but ogle at her tanned legs in her denim shorts.

"Zayn." She mumbles my name softly in her sleepy state and a smile curves on my lips. Moving closer , I trace my fingers gently on her right leg . She tries swatting my hand away and I chuckle. Replacing my fingers I place a trail of feather light kisses on her exposed thigh and knee. Her skin is soft as silk and I repeat my action placing wet kisses on her skin.

"Baby." She murmurs in a sultry voice and opens her eyes.

" Good morning love ." I say relishing the sight in front of my eyes.

" What are you doing ?" She asks getting up and leaning her head against the headboard.

"Returning the favor you did to me last night." I wink at her getting up from the bed and stretching my limbs. I see Allana eyeing my shirtless torso biting her lip.

"Stop eye-raping me." I tell her jokingly.

" Bambi , please I can have you on your knees for me anytime I want and we both know that." She sassily replies back.

" Baby girl if anyone's going on their knees it is you for me.That is a sight I can't wait to see." I smirk at her and she turns scarlet at my words.

" Zayn !!" She exclaims loudly throwing a pillow at me which I successfully dodge.

She covers her face between her hands and I settle next to her.

" You may have the most sassy tongue in the world but you cannot beat me when it comes to talking dirty." I say prying her fingers off her face.

She snuggles into my chest wrapping her hands around me.

" What are you doing now?" I ask her.

"Taking those two minutes which you denied me that day." She says.

" Which day baby?"

" When I danced for you and we were hugging , I pleaded you to stay for two more minutes but you left me." She says in a feeble tone.

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