Arrival - II

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Note: Anybody home ??

Dedicated to zaynsthereason

"Watch where you are going dumb head!" Gabriella yelled to a middle aged man running with his bag towards the departure sign. Continuing his sprint, he mumbled an apology for nearly spilling Gabriella's hot cup of coffee.

"Please calm down.", Chase said drowsily to her.

"Try me.", She glared back at him, sipping her third cup of coffee.

Chase opened his mouth, seemingly to reply back to her but yawned loudly. I slumped further into the metal chair huffing to myself. Sleep deprivation muddled my thoughts more than I could comprehend. Last night had been emotionally and mentally exhausting for me. My conversation with Zayn was much more than a casual chat between couples. There were many underlying tones to it, ranging from his childhood memories, insecurities, inner turmoil and struggle. Most importantly it was about him being free. Free from the shackles of Modest to pursue his music, this spelled out him leaving One Direction in capital letters. Add to it the arrival of his ex-fiancé and her band mates. What do you get?

A hassled, sleepy, anxious Allana with bleary eyes struggling to stay open. After answering Gabriella's phone call I had rushed to join them at the airport to welcome Little Mix on their unexpected arrival.

"I don't understand. They were scheduled to join us next week. All our plans pertaining to their arrival, hotel stay and other arrangements were made accordingly. Everything had been approved by Kaitlyn and Lucas. How on earth did they arrive 7 days prior?" Gabriella said downing the remaining contents of her cup.

"This is a major gap and there is no way it could have been overlooked by the management." She continues getting up from her seat. The caffeine buzz is making her relatively more talkative and a wee bit aggressive as well. Being suddenly pulled out of bed and sitting in the airport from 2:30 am with making frantic calls for calling security and car arrangements had taken its toll on her.

Luke had informed us that Little Mix's flight would be arriving at 3:50 am in the morning. He called Chase to share the information which irked me. I had been appointed as the Operational Head, he should have spoken to me. Despite checking my call lists and messages thoroughly, there was no indication of him trying to contact me. It was odd, but my pounding headache due to pulling an all-nighter refused to allow me to dwell on it further.

My eyes were fixed on the board, checking to see the arrival time of their flight. There was a delay of 2 hours which made want to pull my hair out.

The clock struck 06:15 am and Chase's phone rang. The call made him jump out of his seat and stand straight in attention. "Luke." He mouthed to me and Gabriella as he answered the call.

Eyebrows scrunched he listened attentively, nodding his head. After the phone call had ended, he turned towards me and Gabriella with pursed lips.

"Apparently there has been some miscommunication and the girls are arriving by a private jet at 1:00 pm."

"What?" Gabriella and I yelled in unison, causing a few people to shoot us dirty stares.

"This is utter nuisance." I said "Not to mention completely unprofessional. They cannot make us camp out here in the middle of night and then inform us that there is a mix up. "

"Well, he did apologise and has asked us to return back to the hotel." Chase said scratching his head. "He said that Paul and his team will pick them up from the airport. At least we can rest for a few hours before they join us at the hotel. We are in the event management industry; a few hiccups are bound to happen."

"Hate to agree with you on that." I muttered getting up from my seat and stretching my back. A conversation with the disgruntled security personnel will not be very pleasant though for me.

"Also Kaitlyn sent her best wishes to us." Chase said with a small smile.

" Oh yeah. Please send her my reply as well." Gabriella said raising her middle finger pointedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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